Chapter VII
Human Being is a trio of body, soul…
This video will tell you how to see a persons Lightbody, their soul, with the Third Eye; It will tell you what the vibration/color means; It will tell you about the Compression Technique to
Read more…What is the Truth about Twin Flames? Soulmates are people from past lives. Twin Flame is the other half of your spirit. The Misconception is that you will simply attract or find your Twin Flame. This is not really how it works, although you might get
Read more…The Holy Spirit is the Teacher, so why hasn't humanity learned anything? Those who intentionally lie control the world for greed. This is the restoration of things.
HOVA is Horus or the Hori
Read more…Take an energetic journey through the DNA of your ancestors. Maximize the 7 Chakra, take hold of the Serpent Caduceus, and awaken the best combinations.
Utilize the law of attraction, but take a refreshing new look at what is happening here. Concealed
Read more…There is a rumbling of discussion among various people....
"I've had my chakras removed....! Now I feel so much better!!!!!"
They say this is not for everybody!! only if you agree to it.
I don't know how they can be removed. I've never heard of this be
Read more…Hi Everyone, I am a newbie here and am looking for feedback on Chakra Meditation. I started to meditate about a month ago and love it. I am beginning to experience some things since I started this. Colors are more vivid which I can see with my eyes
Read more…The Vril force is similar to the Kundalini serpent in the sense that its a dormant force lying within the body/soul and chakras. But it is much more powerful than the Kundalini serpent.
The Vril force is located in the genitalia.
Exhale deeply and imag
Read more…I am aware of the 12 strands of DNA but does anyone else think these strands of DNA correspond to the 12 chakras of the human body? Yes I said 12, not only 7 chakras!! These 12 chakras relate to the 12 dimensions you can visit each time the veil is b
Read more…It is important to remember that you CHOSE to incarnate into this body. Ascension within this lifetime, and truly the goal in every lifetime has always been to fully retain SOUL and SPIRIT within the vehicle/body completely, thus programming the comp
Read more…“I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.” ~Winnie-the-Pooh
Hello my friends, I posted that quote on Facebook a while ago.. Pretty interesting how much less corrupte
Ascension truly does not have to be difficult. You absolutely can learn through joy. The trick is to stay in grace and humility. When those emotional conflicts arise within you, it is true that we must then judge ourselves in order to learn, but this
Read more…Wow! I am seeing/feeling the Holy Trinity EVERYWHERE I look now guys! I truly believe this is a sign -Several signs repeatedly in fact that the Twin Flames are coming together in a big way right now! -And in doing so, bringing the true sense of the H
Read more…All things are possible to he that believes...
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Grounding & Centering Meditation, guided by spiritual channel William Yensen.
Designed to be listened to while seated in a chair, back straight, feet flat on the floor.
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I am a intuitive/mystical artist, creating art with a very high frequency. (7th dimension energy)
The process I use is by allowing universal energy to work through me and then create from the heart center. Using my art one will experience actual physi
Read more…Have any loved ones sitting "on the fence" about choosing and allowing love in their hearts? So many of us have chosen love for ourselves and we know this joy and peace and beauty and harmony and bliss for ourselves, but we have siblings, parents, fr
Read more…Breaking through the veil of secrecy and reveling the multidimensional nature as the rainbow cosmic beings we are with complete and accurate information about your body in finally being given the full spectrum holistic picture of what has been hidden
Read more…Now, i'm 16, I don't know why i'm here and why i've gotten on the topic of energy. I learned though, if anything on this little journey, nothing happens for no reason, so I suppose it was meant to be... Children of my age should be listening to littl
Read more…Okay, so my spiritual quest for knowledge began long ago, about 8 months ago, I knew about astral projection, and not much about chakras and stuff, but I never really acted upon it until recently when I learned about the third eye, however I have anx
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Chapter VII
Human Being is a trio of body, soul…
Photo above is from CNBC. A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. The incident occurred "shortly before 9 pm" according to sources. A standard search for the time of this event revealed 9 pm.…