The First Contacts and The Men in Black
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From our regular group - this time from the Galactics of Lyra. Also available in video on our youtube channel see below*. Posted here for public information for seekers of truth at this time of momentous shift. If it resonates please share with all b
Read more…By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness
Channeling: “The practice of professedly entering a meditative or trancelike state in order to convey messages from a spiritual guide.” (Source)
This will be difficult to write, and
Read more…November 24, 2014
Everything and everyone on Earth constitutes a part of this planetary and solar shift and contributes its part by enlightening and even by Ascension. With Ascension we mean that a soul once again connects with its higher purpose, wi
Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness -
I wrote the following for the conclusion of the 119th issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter.
Read more…Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness -
I just read a post from channel Kathryn May about her decision to stop channeling (
Read more…Yeshua, or YehSes (Jesus) of whom it states in the Revelation will have A NEW NAME when he returns. Yeshua, being a man himself, is not some sort of divine being for you to channel. You are just like the fools who pray to Mary. Both Jesus and Mary re
Read more…"Greetings Arthlings. I AM AHORN, sovereign grand commander of the planet of the killer Acorns! Mine Acorns are spread across galaxies where they blossom forth into SeeDs. Behold! I am he who planted a Garden in Eden! E Dan DNA Ribose Rib woman.... (
Read more…Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel, and Michael were invoked or channeled by Jews and Occultists alike. To the Jews Uriel appears in 2nd Esdras, where he teaches many things to Ezra, and says "This world is made for many, but the world to come is made for few."
Read more…Conveyed through Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm,
You’re being guided to anchor a purer state of consciousness that’s far beyond anything yo
Read more…Zephaniah 1:5 "I will utterly consume all things from off the land. Man and beast. I will cut off man from the land, and those who worship the host of heaven on the housetops.
Fast forward to Zephaniah 3:9 "For then will I turn to the people a pure la
Read more…15/01/2011
Source: Brothers of Light,
Channeler: Monique Mathieu
At this time, we are often witnessing the fall of dead birds almost everywhere in the world. What does this mean, and is this in relation to the wounds of Egyp
Read more…Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm, Concluded from Part 1
There’s something related to channeling that I want to mention, because it presents a distorted view of channeling to people who might not believe in its reality after witnessing this
By Caroline Aguiar
Hello Everyone, and Welcome!
On November 13th, after I posted the m
Continued from Part 1
Wes: I think that widespread use of the telepathic abilities we’ll come to find ar
Read more…Note from Wes: If somebody tells me that the channeling or Lightwork aspects of our ascension no longer resonate with
Read more…Its not just me. If you can feel in your heart that you do not NEED to read channelings at this time than why not let your own spirit be your guide. I understand at some times we need a little reassurance of our missions on this planet and thats fine
How many people believe that Channeled Messages are providing you with the right cosmic and spiritual information?
Are Channels providing there own belief systems or really getting something coming from the Stars i.e. ET's etc?
Are you dependent on Cha
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Jimmy: I decided to channel my highest self. I’m just going to ask a question and type the answer as it comes.
Dear Highest Self, please give me some valuable information about the asce
Read more…Very interesting documentary of the Spirit Channelers here in America ~ showcasing a part of the Spiritual Revolution that is happening on Planet Earth!!! :)
It's a great documentary, hope you all Enjoy!!! :)
Blessings to you ALL :)
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A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. Basic astrology analysis will be used. A tree for zero derees Aries is presented, but this tree is not strong due to the 12 pm time (and the Mc and As would be…