Revised ; #4
The above pic is an…
Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness -
Previously, we learned about the veil that exists between our reality and the higher realms, and
Read more…I was wondering if any other parents have been experiencing their childrens auras coming through in regular photographs? Recently, within the last year, I have been able to see my childrens auras coming through in many pictures that i have taken of t
Read more…On my book, Project Cobalt Glass, The Nephelim Children my lovely editor died of complications in surgery. She was very much someone I loved and I miss her. I have turned over the work to another old friend but she has procrastinated so much I might
Read more…I do not know how this will be received here so I bring this subject to discussion before posting. I have posted earlier previews on another site and this can be searched. I do not post at the site where early additions of this preview exist at prese
Read more…People can be so many to each other, I don’t understand it. My mom always taught me to “kill others with kindness”. It doesn’t help yourself or other people to be nasty and rude. Try to step in that person’s shoes. For instance, I saw a mini van stop
Read more…I saw these children books at the shops today, it was ment to be funny but they are so written by the draconians and reptilians.There is a few in the series, I had a look at the one about cats, man talk about reptilians and this book is for toddlers
Read more…Hi all, Joe posted this on youtube a few days ago, it is a video of his son Ashton, i have asked him for permission to post it on here so that we may all spread this message~
love and lii
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i have 2 amazing sons and another "adopted" son. however, the one i am writing about today is 15 years old, going on 25. he has always presented a challenge for my ex-husband and i, but recently it has begun to take a toll. the long-and-the-short
Read more…This is something that I need help to understand. I know basically what a lightworker, a starseed, and a walk-in are, but can someone explain a few more to me? I know there are others that I didnt list above.ThanksMV
Read more…"I paint in Patagonia" was the theme when children in the Chilean presidential palace La Moneda gathered to protest against the construction of large dams in the country.
For the first time the riot police did not seize. The children brought a clear
I am a Starseed, i have been aware of my nature as long as i have had cognitive thought. throughout my entire life i have been set aside as something different, it is immediately apparent to anyone i encounter. i have had visions and walked the spiri
Read more…This story is for all of you out there who are in contact with
or know young little humans or are at heart - an eternal child.
If there is one thing all of us and any
of us can do, it is, to awaken or tickle the soul of a child.
We were (are) all litt
Read more…I would like to know if anyone else out there has any children that are going through 'difficult behaviour' phases???
My son is almost four years old, and he seems to get pleasure from winding up all the adults, in his life. (refer to young childrens
Read more…The following news article was transcribed verbatim from:
Learning to communicate with Extra Terrestrials – young children in India-China Himalayas use strange sign language
Staff Reporter
January 29, 2
I was walking toward the beach with the intent of going for a nice swim. I got in the water and was walking towards the deep end. I saw and heard my parents calling me and telling me not to go any deeper but I just said I'll be ok and kept going deep
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Revised ; #4
The above pic is an…