Chapter VII
Human Being is a trio of body, soul…
Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
The reason I write is to help as many of you as possible feel the inspiration I’ve been able to feel from other people’s material. If I can inspire any of you out there to feel even half of the inspiration
Read more…Teal Scott : 10 Tips for a Successful Relationship
Teal Scott - The Spiritual Catalyst's YouTube Channel:
Teal Scott - The Spiritual Catalyst
Great video-blog talking about: 10 Tips for Successful Relationships :)
If you can put judgment aside and just be the observer with an Open Heart you can see the good in President Obama here beyond a shadow
Their ships are much more active. I remember when I had to wait for hours to see a ship (an obvious one move about and around). That gradually turned into 20 minutes and now I don't even have to wait for 2 minutes, and yes this has started since last
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They rely on magneto-anti-darkmatter technologies extensively to survive. Their buildings are high to get away from the surface heat. (from the description)
Just something I hope will insp
Read more…Read more…"If we do not 'come to our senses' soon, we will have permanently forfeited the chance of constructing any meaningful alternatives to the pseudo-existence which passes for life in our current 'Civilization of the Image.'" David Howeshttp://www.youtub
Fascinating testimony of an author whose fantasy novels have become real and who has met actual characters from his novels in real life. This begs the question where do ideas come from. I too have had many ideas come through my imagination in what I
Read more…This morning as I connected with my Twin Flame in the Higher Dimensions, we discussed our Soul mission and how communication is integral to that. I loved his words about this subject of communication. I share these with you:
"Communication is love-i
Read more…Hey all,
I am in contact with a being who says her name is Mira, a High Councilwoman of the Pleiades. If you have not read my introductory post, I have met her when during my astral trip to the Pleiades. When I speak with her, she mainly speaks in an
Read more…Universalism
A Future Forward Solution
This year, 2011, has already started with the energy that promises we will be entering the new paradigm right on schedule. Since the advent of higher knowledge into the community, once more the fertile minds ha
Many times during my life I have been accused of being over sensitive. I found it came up most often from girlfriends who get upset, or from male peers who get used to bantering to hide their feelings, or raise their status among the guys with rude j
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Chapter VII
Human Being is a trio of body, soul…
Photo above is from CNBC. A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. The incident occurred "shortly before 9 pm" according to sources. A standard search for the time of this event revealed 9 pm.…