Chapter X
A question for all light workers on Earth.
Where is your focus now?
More specifically, are you in communication with the light warriors among you?
And if so, what are you in communication to do exactly? What energy do you transform? What light do you ad
Read more…I know this to be the case. To me, god symbolizes an alternative archive of knowledge where all answers of the esoteric are stored as a potential. One must only look at the state of fractal reality to reference this in numerous ways.
One that stands o
Read more…I've been waiting for this particular news to drop for quite some time. Over the past few months, I've been gathering intel on some of Earth's most prolific data research programs recorded within the 3d matrix. Collecting information on global awaken
Read more…Aka Cords, Life Streaming Everywhere!
Posted by Carolyn Thompson on April 26, 2015 at 11:26am
‘Aka’ cords are the thin vital force of energy we send as we think about anything or anybody. I wish to expand how they work so to continue to build a foun
NEW VERSION of your Personal Parallel Universe
Dr. Angela Barnett
Each of you only has less than two years left to raise your frequencies into the NEW VERSION of your Personal Parallel Universe that you will be creating in Fall 2016. Each of you will
Quality of Tolerance" Meditation for the Middle East -- Lord Sananda -- Focus Love Now (Share and Forward Everywhere)
Lord Sananda
To Begin Monday January 5, 2015 for Seven Days, for at least 15 Minutes Per Day
channeled by Rev Janisel of Sananda's E
Break the ring of bondage....
Hello readers I would like for you all to open your hearts and take a little journey with me regarding the perception of Gaia Consciousness and our planet, if you will. Of course this is only a perception, but would v
Read more…Hi my brothers and sisters,
I haven't posted for a long time and I was wondering what is your though about ladyboys and the reason they are on our planet at this very important years a head.
This is something that someone said.
I think more and more lad
Read more…Hello, my spiritual name is Alura, meaning "Divine Counselor". I am an Incarnated Angel,
and born awakened with full memory and psychic abilities. As an Angel I had many
lifetimes throughout the Universe mainly Pleiades, and in turn when coming here, I
Archangel Michael
channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles
To Begin Monday, December 8, 2014 -- every day -- for at least fifteen minutes per day
Read more…November 24, 2014
Everything and everyone on Earth constitutes a part of this planetary and solar shift and contributes its part by enlightening and even by Ascension. With Ascension we mean that a soul once again connects with its higher purpose, wi
Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness -
Channeling, like many other things, is a form of art, and those of you who enjoy channeli
Read more…Read more…The Hybrid Consciousness In The ET Encounter Narrative by Natasha Acimovic
Published on Jan 2, 2013
Amongst one of the most compelling aspects of the UFO Phenomenon is situated within the ET contact experience, or the ‘high strangeness’ of what transpi
Conveyed through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Enjoy the beautiful mornings, days, and evenings you’re blessed with, precious seekers.
Understand that your existence is perfect the way it is, and appreciate all of the divine beauties that exist b
Read more…
Lord Sananda
To Begin Today - 15 Minutes Per Day - For the Next Seven Days
channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles -- janisel((at))
I bring
It is becoming more clear all the time how we are creating our future with every passing moment using the "Law of Attraction", the power of "Manifestation", the "power of the mind", sometimes also referred to as the "placebo effect", or "the Secret".
Read more…Amazing documentary showing that Plants are alive and behave like Animals. All life requires food, you cannot escape this reality by eating plants. At least animals get to move around, they are more privledged if you ask me, but I wouldn't want to ea
Read more…Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
Concluded from Part 2
Archangel Michael tells us about the worldwide cooperation that’ll result from the expansion of our clarity and inner drive for unity.
“…What you are also going to see with the expansion of t
Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
Continued from Part 1
Worldwide unity will be an aspect of our rise into a greater state of consciousness and a result of the effort we make to reintroduce awareness to the rest of society. Even if our message is
Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
Unitive consciousness will be a result of the lightened vibration of humanity, and however unattainable it seems, it’ll come to us naturally. Unity only seems difficult right now because most people are still st
Chapter X
Original source: …
A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. Basic astrology analysis will be used. A tree for zero derees Aries is presented, but this tree is not strong due to the 12 pm time (and the Mc and As would be…