Have a read, everyone, and tell us what you think! Is this what it will sound like?
Well, Jean, I think it’s just that I so long to hear the following speech that I just had to write it myself, so I could have the small comfort of
Trump and Putin. Treason and Impeachment.
Mandela Effect. Russian Subversion of the US in Progress.
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Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel, and Michael were invoked or channeled by Jews and Occultists alike. To the Jews Uriel appears in 2nd Esdras, where he teaches many things to Ezra, and says "This world is made for many, but the world to come is made for few."
Read more…When addressing this, and the Illuminati, there is one very important consideration: The Baramus Massacre. Which path will you choose?
Scenario: you are a commander of the Walsta Liberation Army during a war and have already liberated your capital of
Read more…Hello friends,
Enjoy this vid...I do not need to elaborate upon it and it is for each to decide the veracity of what Ed Snowden says, for themselves...This is fresh off the press....Of course, not popular among western media outlets and their masters
Read more…January 6, 2014
When in the course of human events a government is infiltrated, and its power usurped, by men and women of avaric
Have a read, everyone, and tell us what you think! Is this what it will sound like?
Well, Jean, I think it’s just that I so long to hear the following speech that I just had to write it myself, so I could have the small comfort of
Is Drake for real, or he is part of an elaborate plan to trap the militia and set up a global government? According to this, the Military has stated "we believe the militia is going to attack." They have continued the training exercises to attack the
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Chapter XII