Chapter XII
From our regular group - this time from the Galactics of Lyra. Also available in video on our youtube channel see below*. Posted here for public information for seekers of truth at this time of momentous shift. If it resonates please share with all b
Read more…Mira agrees with me that if we are going to make change in the world we have to unplug from the distractions, and take ACTION!!!
Read more…Life is the union of yin and yang. There is a balance of light and dark within all. Do not be deceived into trying to become a one dimensional character. The effect of effort is like an air conditioner, but even with constant effort the balance of co
Read more…Hello. I am a new member of this site. Thanks for accepting me! I have greatly enjoyed the posts, channelings, and dicsussions thus far. However, I think there is an element of thought largely missing here, and that is the taoist concept of yin and y
Read more…My dear friend,
We all, despite having different approach to a common goal, have joined this platform - with each one of us being motivated with his own objective.
It is supposed to be an unique experience on this platform with vivid approach to and va
Read more…Hiya!
Ok, so I understand wanting to know the dark side in order to overcome it. That I get. But when people start using the dark/satanic cabal to explain every little thing.
1) Singers (really?)
2) Hurricanes (again, really?)
Guys, come on. Maybe a sing
Read more…From the responses I get from another post, I want to share my perspective on these issues.
“Serve to Self” and “Serve to Others”
“Serve to Self” and “Serve to Others” are the expressions of different levels of consciousness, but are attempts to desc
Read more…The problem with the concept of good and evil is that to know good you must have an awareness of evil. I AM doing the "good' thing therefore that is the evil thing. As a result your experience of good is always tarnished by this.
Good and evil has to
“Greetings, Helen. We want to answer your call. We know you have been asking why have you only met Aryans up until now and why do most people only channel Aryan races. We want to tell you that this is an honour to speak with you as not many ask your
Read more…Guardian Counsel of the Golden Ray
Jill Renee Feeler: Evolving Beyond Beliefs of Bad guys and Cosmic Villains
Jill Renee Feeler's YouTube Channel: Beacon For Lightworkers
Very important video blog talking about Ascension into a higher dimensional sta
As it won't be any polarity, the meaning of this is that u will be so happy that u will move just by the feeling of what you want to experience in the moment. Can u imagine what that would be iin friendship???
To take rides, flights, horses, rabits ta
Read more…Think well about it, time has come, to create the world. Pure good would be just walks in the park. There must be the dark. Ther must be the dark. It's only a matter of what kind of darkness we want.
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By Alexandra Meadors
July 3, 20121
After listening to Cobra's very first interview on June 13th, something within me clicked. I knew somehow someway I was "triggered" by some of the information Cobra had shared and the sincerity in
Read more…Do you think animals think in terms of polarity?
Of right and wrong?
Does a virus or a bacteria think about up and down?
Is not a coincidence that precisely this planet is one of the few that has a sun in the day and... a moon in the night o_O?! One in
Read more…I think it really says a lot.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Wait, it does not work, try this ->
Read more…Millenia of gray.
With crowds full of ignorance,
There's a price one must pay.
This balance I sought,
Through truth there is peace.
To take off the blindfold,
All conditions release.
This may seem easy,
But truly not so.
See, life isn't
Read more…Taken literally, we can think of light and dark as the presence or absence of some attribute. But if we define darkness as the absence of light, then what is light but the absence of dark? Is it logical to describe two attributes in this manner? B
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Whitney Houston is such a beautiful angel and since I heard how she passed away I've been intrigued by the many strange events surrounding her demise. Whitney had amazing talent, grace and dignity. She was a truly inspirational icon and it greatly d
Read more…Hello friends,
I came across this today and I thought I would share it with you. This is a good message that resonates with me. Please read and share if you have the inclination. As some of you know I have been following the financial corruption ve
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One of our most fundamental cultural beliefs is this, that Civilization must continue at any cost and not be abandoned under any circumstance. This notion seems intrinsic to the human mind --self-evident, like The shortest distance between two poi
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Chapter XII