david (20)
Truth, Justice and the American Way - Not just for Superman Anymore.
Given that everything appears to be wrong with everything and the govermob (no caps for evildoers) has all the money, most of the weapons and all the idiots working for them - what does a rational man do?
Dr. Mark Anthony as The Healer, Zoi Chavez as
Read more…David Wilcock: Russian TV Exposes Financial Tyranny Part 1 – English Subtitles
David Wilcock: Russian TV Exposes Financial Tyranny Part 1 – English Subtitles
Stephen Cook: This is the first part of a ground-breaking Russian documentary series which screened on Russian TV two months ago. It features dozens of interviews with whi
Read more…Has anyone had this happen to them before?
We were trying to read who was on our dollar notes, testing our knowledge, and our eyesight, being in our 40's. We didn't know of this man who is on the $50 note, until we read about him. How ignorant is that? Anyway, we didn't know. So it is. He is
Read more…LumenAura Unveiled...
By David Gordon – Voice of Reason – DGVOR.com
As we stand at the cusp of an Aquarian, Fifth Dimensional earth, many of us seek to undertake the path of Ascension – whatever it may be. They say “there are no instruction manua
Read more…DAVID WILCOCK blew our minds wide open at his June 22 NY Convergence!
I am one of the lucky 70 people who paid $295 and two nights at the Sheraton Parssipany hotel to listen to this WIZARD , this man /boy wlith deep dark circles under his radiant eyes, and his pale skin like Andy Warhol, a semi ghostly pallor from endl
Read more…DAVID WILCOCK UPDATE 6-8-12 Mass Arrests / Divine Intervention: New Briefings (Finally!)
Finally, after months of no new insider updates, one of our top sources has gotten new information about how Divine Intervention is shaping the mass arrests that have been planned. The news is very exciting -- and very positive.
Read more…DAVID WILCOCK UPDATE 4-13-12-MAJOR EVENT: Liens Filed Against All 12 Federal Reserve Banks
David Wilcock Update April 5th, 2012 "MASS ARRESTS: David Interviews Drake -- Transcript!"
Thousands of top conspirators in finance, media, pharmaceuticals and government are about to be arrested. Read this landmark interview transcript with "Drake" now -- before it becomes front-page news!
The problems we face in today
Read more…Credo Mutwa and David Icke on the retilian agenda
Greetings, everyone. I know this info isnt anything new, but its very enlightening to hear about Credos experiences, if you havent seen this vid already...enjoy....its one of my favorites from back in the day. Love, light and peace Xwww.youtube.com/w
This is great news and there will be much more to come, so read up now.
Love and Light
Massive, unprecedented ET interventions are completely disrupting any and all plans to start World War III, according to mul
Read more…What if everybody on this site all meditated and visualized disclosure happening?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nR-klTa1y54 According to this video Wilcock says at 29:40 that when 7000 people meditated in the same room terrorism was reduced by over 70%. What if everybody on this site got everyone they could and at the same time m
Read more…David Wilcock needs us WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14TH, 3:39 PM: DEATH THREAT
"The Source Field Investigations" by David Wilcock
Anyone who hasn't heard of David Wilcock... do some research!
While I don't agree with everything he says or all the conclusions he draws, this book is a terrific read, referencing hundreds of incredibly interesting scientific experiments from the la
Read more…David Wilcock - Ancient Aliens
I had heard David Wilcock talk about a few things in the past, and thought he seemed cool...
Last night I was hanging out and this show came on called Ancient Aliens. The guests they had on were really cool!
It's amazing now, how the truth is getting
David Icke iPhone App - Any thoughts?
Hello everyone,
I noticed that a new David Icke iPhone App has just been released on iTunes. It seems to be mostly video content, about 4 hours of it! Haven't watched it all yet, but it seems pretty good. I'll keep you posted when I've watched more..
Read more…David Wilcock: 2012 Event Horizon Video
This is a must watch!
Section 1:
Section 2:
Section 3:
Section 4:
David Wilcox UFO Disclosure!!
Greetings Commanders,This information was emailed to me from another of our Ground Crew on Planet Earth.I found this information important to share with all and I'm in the process of trying to get David Wilcox to be a guest on the Cosmic Eye Ashtar C
Read more…The movie -> 2012: An Awakening
Please if somebody has a torrent for this movie send me! Thank you!Or if you know a website where I can watch it online free then tell me!Thanks
Read more…Journeying into a new world ~~ a message from Kryon channeled by David Brown ~~
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I would say it's time for the men in white coats to take charge…"