Photo above is from CNBC. A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. The incident occurred "shortly before 9 pm" according to sources. A standard search for the time of this event revealed 9 pm.…
december (8)
What would happen and has happened on 21 December.
If you believed the world would end or we all would ascend to the 5th dimension on 21 December , you were mistaken.
Listen to the message again.
Read more…21/12 - & My Update!! Share yours!
Its the 21st already over here and i Just want to wish everyone a beautiful day....!!
I had the first memories restored back tonight, of my life of ET.... which was pretty amazing... !!
( a time outside of our current space.)
The life of Galactic E
Read more…Knock knock
Hi guys - long time, no posting.
Well, the date-that-shall-not-be-named is almost upon us. As is to be expected, there are a lot of different opinions and predictions flying around. Which is cool. We're all individuals, we're all going to have our own
Read more…December 21rst; the biggest hoax in human history or paradise in HD5?
I recently came across articles reflecting a deep dissatisfaction toward any type of divine intervention coming thru what we call channelers. They lied to us….I get it, but does it mean that we should throw the baby with the bath water?
When I f
Read more…1212 2010
It's fast approaching for the final time this year, I missed out on 1111 last month, did quite have time meditate on that day (at work and such).
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The Human Strike
It is time for the message to be heard. How long have humans endured war and violence on this planet? How many lives have been lost because of these wars? How many families and friends have had to feel the loss of a loved one because of war? In the c
Read more…Latest Activity
Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be a Dinosaurian/Reptilian hybrid group known as the Bellatricians who were at one time a very vicious and tyrannical group in the Anchara Alliance. They attacked this Solar System on different occasions. The…