Chapter XII
The Flood was when Lemuria Sank. Mother Shipton Prophecies are the REAL DEAL. Lemuria will rise from the Ocean, as it does in Secret of Mana Snes. Legend of Zelda Wind Waker and Link to the Past, I did my own Rom Hack of the last battle with Gannon t
Read more…Heb 9:26 "He dies ONCE at the end of the Ages." Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. "Before Abraham was, I AM."
Christians ignore this. Christ is an IMAGE manifested to destroy the
Read more…Japan was nuked twice, after they surrendered, by the fake Jews, Synagogue of Satan, who caused Fukushima with HAARP. "FukUShema, We nuked your Hero Shema, and took away your Naga Saki." The Evil Cabala is to be destroyed, and the wicked serpent cast
Read more…Take an energetic journey through the DNA of your ancestors. Maximize the 7 Chakra, take hold of the Serpent Caduceus, and awaken the best combinations.
Utilize the law of attraction, but take a refreshing new look at what is happening here. Concealed
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When referring to the Western banking cabal, he states, “They don’t control the military and they don’t control the agencies and so on… We do have some protections. We have a militia, we hav
Read more…When I was a baby, my father often left me in the bedroom with snakes. He had many of them throughout his life. They did not harm me. I have always wondered about my special affinity to snakes, as to why they did not harm me, and at the same time fee
Read more…Story of the Serpents Castration. The riddle of Saturn who eats his children. The riddle of Zeus who got away. Can anyone escape the jaws of Father Time? Even the righteous are but salt of the Earth. The Rainbow Serpent is considered the Throne of Go
Read more…Rosicrucian Kaballah and many other Secrets.
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Hello everyone,
I am honored to have found this community, I have been going with the flow and it bought me here in this community. It is my heart that lead me here so I shall start introducing myself. I have so much to share with you people, I alwa
Read more…Is Drake for real, or he is part of an elaborate plan to trap the militia and set up a global government? According to this, the Military has stated "we believe the militia is going to attack." They have continued the training exercises to attack the
Read more…Something having to do with the churches vs the truth. Luke 20 Mark 12 both have the same discussion where Jesus proves reincarnation to be true, and later in Mark 10:29-30 is the other major verse. I could be wrong, but I've been using these verses
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The confusion with the Gods and Goddesses simplified. The Universal Mother gave birth to many things including the Gods and Goddess, however many of them demand that they be worshiped by the humans as thei
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In antediluvian times during the days of Atlantis the pole of the heavens was the constellation of Alpha Draconis. In astronomical temples the Dragon was the ruling constellation at the pole. The great serpent was master of the celestial sphere and t
Chapter XII