elenin (4)
Future earthquake dates in relation with Elenin
Have a look at this link yourself. Look also at the movies on the weblink. Note the days in your agenda, and don't forget to stay centered and calm.
Read more…may be silly but....cant believe i had time fr this..."elenin" data..chk it out!
check out this link and see if you agree with me. were we tracking this "elenin" comet since 1962? look in the "results" box, on the "EOP coverage" line at the dates of what I think nasa was/is predicting this comets/comets tails closest approach. N
Read more…Second Sun???
Ok, so I have been hearing and seeing this rumor on a second sun. I am pretty sure this isn't the comet Elenin or what they say is a comet. I have also heard this might be our dwarf star. Debunkers say it is fake and that it's just lens flare off the
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Chapter XII