The Sword of Blue Fire
It seems to have something to do with Astrea and the Archangel Michael. Any thoughts?
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It seems to have something to do with Astrea and the Archangel Michael. Any thoughts?
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Hi all,Just writing to see who of you know a lot or any info about the Paa-Tal. I really want to know about this ancestor race of ours. This is a discussion so any info may put the bigger picture in perspective. Where they the ancestors of the Lyrans
Read more…Pregnant from a Teardrop?! Essene Christianity, which preaches feminism, vegetarianism, political correcteness, peace (I come not to bring peace but a sword) and a savior who didn't die for our sins named Jesu-Maria or lord and lady christ that oppos
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MP3 Audio Support:
Building your Light Quotient (new!)
August, 2011
Arcturian CORRIDOR
Your Multidimensional Reality
Inter-dimensional Communication
Blessings to our grounded ones,
We meet once again inside our Arcturian Corridor. As a result of our many inter-dimensional meetings, you have learned to incorpo
Chapter XII