The First Contacts and The Men in Black
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Hello everyone.
I have not been an active member here or on any social media lately for a long time.
I have mostly been in under intense meditation. Especially concerning events that have kept me off world by focus and vision.
Yesterday and the events t
Read more…From our regular group - this time from the Galactics of Lyra. Also available in video on our youtube channel see below*. Posted here for public information for seekers of truth at this time of momentous shift. If it resonates please share with all b
Read more…The Council of Great Holiness Ante Creation informs:
Permanently wipe out the leadership system of Cabal from above; authorize autonomy to mankind and change the role of Freemasons Society.
Recently, Buddha King (Maitreya/Messiah God) has destroyed al
Read more…Hi All, I'd like to share this post about contact with people of the Alpha Centauri star system and their current service on/around Earth at this time:
If anyone else here is in contact with
Read more…is Ascension real? is Disclosure real? is The Event real?
when is the Ascension / Disclosure / Event ?
or, is it all just a wishful thinking / fantasy / dream / imagination only ?
any hard proof ?
honest question here. no sugar-coating, sweet-talk, & fa
So today, ladies and gentlemen (and Acute Observer), I bring to you a story from another alternate dimension of mine own creation. To be specific, this came from what I presume to be one of those 'past life' memories because the sensation in which I
Read more…is ascension real ?
is starseed real ?
is disclosure real ? even if yes, then what ?
at 32 years old now, and sadly still a loser & supposedly a "starseed" (although I honestly now sadly doubt if this whole thing is real or just another irresponsible hu
Read more…What I know about them:
The Galactic Federation is entirely different from the Galactic Federation of Light. In regards to the Galactic Federation, I'm not aware if their true name is "Galactic Federation" or if it's something entirely different as a
Read more…"This is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace an
Read more…Selamat Balik! We come with many wonderful things to discuss. Presently, events are being readied which are to bring this globe freedom, peace and prosperit
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9 Kan, 7 Zac, 10 Caban
Selamat Jalwa! We return! A number of events are secretly happening. The cabal’s intent is to ignore us and force some kind of retribution. This led to such an action a few days ago. These devious scalawags absolutely refus
Read more…Channeling about Earth codes and basic spiritual mathematics. Earth-centered message with subtitles
for international viewers and easier understanding.
Thanks for viewing.
IndieGogo Campaign ~help me continue this work, and wi
Read more…To start off this discussion i am with the Galactic Federation all the way and i am thankful for commander ashtars fleet defending earth from the Reptilians and other Malevolent forces out in Orion and elsewhere. What i got to ask is.
1. How will peop
Read more…It is very easy to accept everything that we are told. To take what has been taught to us so that we are well trained and behave in accordance to all that goes on with the government powers and the like.
It is very easy to just say we are here to liv
Dear friends,
I won't spend any intellectual time or energy on addressing all of the things that "Drekx Omega" has said on April 23rd, 2012.
First of all, everyone should separate a star system Sirius-A, which is pure human and Sirius-B, which is most
Read more…Wayshowers I~
The Game has started and now we begin to communicate in the Third Dimension of time and space. Consciousness has broken through as was expected. The future is to be released into manifestation. You are a player and join in the first gro
Hi all,
Well I know the proof already, but it's a friend of mine at work who wants to proof about what I am into because I believe in Galactic Federation of light or Galactic Federation same group just different names ;like we call god etc and many ot
Read more…Hello my dear friends! I'm new around here and this is my first post.
I'm having some trouble accepting the huge amount of info being channeled lately so I'm a bit suspicious about some of them. Recently I came across this article http://www.humanityw
Read more…I've noticed the lack of belief in the Galactic Federation's intentions or in them entirely despite everyone's earlier devotion and enthusiasm. At this point in time this quite understandable as mankind's swift awakening as caused dramatic shifts in
Read more…What happen to his website"", its gone. He has the best info about everything, love is the solution for and to everything.
We are so close to the shift and ascension, and his website is down. What happen to
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A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. Basic astrology analysis will be used. A tree for zero derees Aries is presented, but this tree is not strong due to the 12 pm time (and the Mc and As would be…