Revised comment;#2 & #3
A bit less than a year ago, I went to Hell. Or what I presume to be Hell. It was rather stereotypical in its appearance. Large, seemingly endless. Pitch black sky with bright red clouds. There was no floor, only lava. I think Hell has many forms of e
Read more…I am going to walk outside in just a bit to feel the energy from the Ring of Fire eclipse :)
Take some time to focus your energy on healing the planet, each other, and raising the vibration on Planet Earth :)
Here is a link to the footage as well o
It seems to have something to do with Astrea and the Archangel Michael. Any thoughts?
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At this vital time of transition to a fifth dimensional frequency negativity is being released on a global level. We are going through a state of initiation so we can begin to self-heal dormant weaknesses that have restricted our sense of self-empowe
Read more…I saw this video awhile ago and I was more than a little impressed. Now if all those seeing it and hearing the song will take it to heart...!
Read more…Greetings of such Cosmic Light Substance!There has been NO being that has EVER Ascended into 5th Dimension without the use and actualization of Theyre Might "I AM" Presence and the Sacred Fire. Right now the Violet Flame is the Flame in Command here
Read more…During a meditative session one sunny afternoon I got lost in thought and was inspired to try a new process of dealing with some negative past experiences.It resulted in a release of energy in my heart area that flooded my body, I felt as if a fire s
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Revised comment;#2 & #3