Chapter XIV
The age of Flying Cars, Flying Bikes, Antigravity Saucers, and at it's pinnacle, antigravity mobile homes. People own land, they do not own sky. Imagine living in your own sky island that stays flying all the time and floating very low off the ground
Read more…Good News everybody!
There will be a new search-engine for Internet coming soon, which is based on truth, independence and freedom.
So now you can put the other corrupt ones in the trash-pin (especially the corrupt one starting on G for instant which i
Read more…I will be on the Hyperspace program on the Dark Matter Radio Network on Tuesday night at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time. This program will be live and streaming free.
Here is the link:
I hope you can all join the program and enjo
How to get FREE Immortal Vampire Powers the easy way, IF you live in America. First come first serve, while supplies and/or sanity lasts.
Okay, its like this. Tim Rifat confessed on his Real Vampire Science website and in his videos that he put a "nan
Read more…My dear friends! I receive hundreds letters from you to my e-mail daily and not everybody knows how I work and what I need for the reading. So I decided to post it here again. I do free readings on this site when I've got some free time. If you ask a
Read more…Have a good look and listen friends with a real open mind.
Free your mind from slavery.
What do you think?
Read more…Awakening Awareness Mission
Tonight!!! 7:30 PM Eastern (4:30 Pacific, 6:30 Central)
Special Guest Wes Annac~ Let’s Get Into Unity~ Co~ Creating Together! As One!
Link to the Room:
Tonight the Galactic Free Press would li
Read more…Could a world without money, where everything is free, work?
The Free World Charter is a set of principles that have the potential to optimise life on Earth for all species, eradicate human poverty and greed, and advance progress exponentially.
UNDERSTANDING YOUR DIVINE BLUEPRINT -- Wisdom from SANANDA -- The Grand Design of "Interacting" Free Will is as Free-Flowing as Water
Inviting ALL Beloved Lightworkers, Starseeds, Shamans, Crystals, Indigos, Wa
Look at this video closely.
This represents the illuminati or the reptilian agenda trying to manipulate the population into becoming part of their combined computer matrix. This matrix has been created by the Replitial/Alpha Dracona race of aliens in
Read more…Dear Friends,
Here is the possibility to Support New Peace, Free Clean Energy Songs And MusicProductions
- Disclosure, New Knowledge and Technologies:
Peace and Love
I have been contemplating this recently, as several events have been happening for me this week. I had some wake up calls that reminded me that sometimes spirit has to find the easiest way around the mind and allow it to flow like water around the ro
Read more…Guardian Counsel of the Golden Ray
Jill Renee Feeler: Evolving Beyond Beliefs of Bad guys and Cosmic Villains
Jill Renee Feeler's YouTube Channel: Beacon For Lightworkers
Very important video blog talking about Ascension into a higher dimensional sta
Spirituality is from my point of wiew, to realize who we are and to take our own power.
Understanding of the real power of the free will is whats interests me the most.
I have come the the conclusion that what is needed for me to be free (to have my ow
Read more…I found this on Greg Giles blogspot
The world peace invitation and release of technology
Following the meeting of the Keshe Foundation with the world ambassadors invited to Brussels on 21 April 2012, now our invitati
Free energy zones.
Free energy zones will be areas of designation that are provided to supply clean and free without charge or cost energy to those in these areas willing to participate in these projects. What we would like to do is put aside your
If you charge yourself with energy you will manifest thoughts more rapidly into reality. If one goes to heaven, you will have so much energy, that you will instantly create devils, maybe not in your current context, because of the strength you are pu
Read more…The hunt is on, cabal arrests accelerating!!!
Submitted by Apple on Sun, 03/11/2012- 19:04
The questions we at PAO are most frequently asked are:
When will we experience the long-expected reality shift of our world?
Why are there so many delays?
To register for the FREE preview: Click Here
Welcome to Webinar 27
An in-depth look at th
Hi guys just was wondering what you think about downloading music free. You tell me much thanks :D
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Chapter XIV
Above photo from; this was the last reported photo of Gene Hackman and Betsy Arakawa together in Santa Fe, New Mexico. For years, actor Gene Hackman’s doting and protective wife Betsy Arakawa would…