The First Contacts and The Men in Black
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Hello everyone.
I have not been an active member here or on any social media lately for a long time.
I have mostly been in under intense meditation. Especially concerning events that have kept me off world by focus and vision.
Yesterday and the events t
Read more…The Council of Great Holiness Ante Creation informs:
Permanently wipe out the leadership system of Cabal from above; authorize autonomy to mankind and change the role of Freemasons Society.
Recently, Buddha King (Maitreya/Messiah God) has destroyed al
Read more…WAVE X PART 1!!! Time-Space-Continuum Surfing the Event Horizon 999 Portal Planetary Galactic Love Meditation by Lord Ashtar
Time-Space-Continuum Surfing the Event Horizon 9
Read more…Hi All, I'd like to share this post about contact with people of the Alpha Centauri star system and their current service on/around Earth at this time:
If anyone else here is in contact with
Read more…In present, Celestial Hierarchy is screening Humanity; Cabal organizations and systems of super stars above are intended for Humanity screening by stressful and dangerous measures for removal; Mankind has been infected too severely, affecting the ent
Read more…is Ascension real? is Disclosure real? is The Event real?
when is the Ascension / Disclosure / Event ?
or, is it all just a wishful thinking / fantasy / dream / imagination only ?
any hard proof ?
honest question here. no sugar-coating, sweet-talk, & fa
Awaken Your Passion and Creativity
Interview with Bryan de Flores!
Read more…is ascension real ?
is starseed real ?
is disclosure real ? even if yes, then what ?
at 32 years old now, and sadly still a loser & supposedly a "starseed" (although I honestly now sadly doubt if this whole thing is real or just another irresponsible hu
Read more…What I know about them:
The Galactic Federation is entirely different from the Galactic Federation of Light. In regards to the Galactic Federation, I'm not aware if their true name is "Galactic Federation" or if it's something entirely different as a
Read more…"This is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace an
Read more…Selamat Balik! We come with many wonderful things to discuss. Presently, events are being readied which are to bring this globe freedom, peace and prosperit
Read more…I'm from Indonesia.
is this all Ascension, E.T Disclosure, starseeds, indigo, Ashtar, Pleidians etc stuff really real? or nonsense/BS only?
or just merely another human's vivid fantasy/imagination/beautiful wishful thinking, but that are NOT based in
Great news for everyone of us..dear Lightworkers! Enjoy the reading!
By our example many of the Undecided or dark beings will see the actual application of the Love Force's Grace and so they too may ascend...they too may enter that timeless Rea
Channeling about Earth codes and basic spiritual mathematics. Earth-centered message with subtitles
for international viewers and easier understanding.
Thanks for viewing.
IndieGogo Campaign ~help me continue this work, and wi
Read more…The Cosmic Eye Radio Show presents special guests Colin and Synthia Andrews live November 10th Sunday at 11:30 AM Est.
Will be talking about the latest book they have published on hidden technologies,power of the mind,quantum physics,paranormal phenom
Read more…Awakening Awareness Mission
Tonight!!! 7:30 PM Eastern (4:30 Pacific, 6:30 Central)
Special Guest Wes Annac~ Let’s Get Into Unity~ Co~ Creating Together! As One!
Link to the Room:
Tonight the Galactic Free Press would li
Read more…Alot of people have heard of the Ashtar Command also known as Ashtar Galactic Command which is one and the same.
Many want to find what its all about others already know.
No matter which end of the spectrum you reside on you want to know what the Ashta
Read more…How many people believe that Channeled Messages are providing you with the right cosmic and spiritual information?
Are Channels providing there own belief systems or really getting something coming from the Stars i.e. ET's etc?
Are you dependent on Cha
Read more…Original source: …
A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. Basic astrology analysis will be used. A tree for zero derees Aries is presented, but this tree is not strong due to the 12 pm time (and the Mc and As would be…