games (9)
The Great Distraction
Mira agrees with me that if we are going to make change in the world we have to unplug from the distractions, and take ACTION!!!
Read more…This is what the earth needs...
We have a definition of violence, of war and the associated emotion of it, we need to change it into something less frigthening and more fun, instead of a gun, have another being that shoots things that mekes him feel ok and an the same time he helps
Read more…Have you ever seen a "red" extraterrestrial???
What an importance of colors uh?
This reminds me of this "classic" Atari Games. =)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Read more…I just love playing space video games, because I want to travel the univerese in my own starship
Right so the title says it all, but I love playing space or sci fi game's, I even love tv shows like star trek and movies which are space based. Not like horror because I feel the negative energy's from horror movies and I really do not like them.
Read more…Rion of Orion on Ascension
This weekend felt extremely intense to me!
At times I felt waves that made me feel totally disjointed from myself - vibrations of a high magnitude - like an Inner Earthquake of sorts.
Things are getting very intense for us all!
A lot of duality
Games Of Joy
Hiays everybody!
I think that most of video or internet games are nowadays violent.
I have thought founding company named Games Of Joy, which makes games like card games, addicting games like bejeweled and collect these kind of games in own website. I
Read more…Laughing Astral Projection
Hello everyone!
About a week or so ago I was playing games with some friends. I had read something really funny that caught me off guard. I laughed and it felt like the energy from the top half of my body was having a slight astral projection towards
How to remove yourself from the implants abilities! Just play Super Mario in your mind!
Do the groundwork yourself, soyou can get a good connection to your guides.This is what I found out. Almost everyone of youhave implants inside your bodies that makes youthink bad thoughts and make you bodies hurt. I justfound a VERY EASY way to disc
Read more…Latest Activity"
Chapter XIX