Chapter XII
I'll go first. Unconditional love. Traditional life experiences. Having fun with friends. Socializing. The occasional drink. The occasional gamble. Working for a living. Being kind to others. Meditation, and exploring my inner psyche.
What do you beli
Read more…Is it our place to do something about the status of Earth, humanity and rising tensions planet wide?
Here are some ideas if you believe in this concept.
1. Form a psy war council. Responsible for eliminating potential black hole based timelines, and av
Read more…Hi, my name is Bryan. It a long-time since I been on this sight or any other. Sometime times gets over complicated ideas. Been trying too work tthrough healing process. Having problems with my low back making It a nightmare at times. So try
Read more…Finally, you can record your voice the way YOU hear it. BCM's convert vibrations from your head or ears into sound. They can also be used as hearing aides for the deaf and hard of healing. Forget buying expensive musical instruments, create music dir
Read more…OK SO.
I'm not trying to prove a point so don't even bother trying to argue with me, just leave that **** in the 3rd dimension, will you? :)
BUT I still find this place to be my "go to" higher vibrational social circle, for better or worse, and I am ex
Read more…What is the Truth about Twin Flames? Soulmates are people from past lives. Twin Flame is the other half of your spirit. The Misconception is that you will simply attract or find your Twin Flame. This is not really how it works, although you might get
Read more…Hello kindly once more,
Since my last post, about trauma life, low self esteem, borken-heartedness, unloved dysfunctional environments&parents, loneliness...wretched Gollum life...*weeps* :(
I like to ask this question...Sex what is it?....Porn?.I was
Read more…By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness, May 5, 2015 -
We hear a lot in the conscious community about the healing use of crystals, but is it just a fad? Are crystals little more than neat, colorful rocks that only appear to offer
Read more…Hello everyone :)
My twin flame and I started to build a business on what we love: art :)
My fiancee, Kira, is a medium and I am gifted with healing abilities, for that reason we wanted to combine it with the art we do so that people can not only enj
Hello everyone :)
finally I have found the time to do a little introduction of my fiancee (Kira) and of me, Noctis.
We 21 and 20 years old and currently living in Germany but want to move to maybe Thailand or another country in Asia or Africa. To tr
Take an energetic journey through the DNA of your ancestors. Maximize the 7 Chakra, take hold of the Serpent Caduceus, and awaken the best combinations.
Utilize the law of attraction, but take a refreshing new look at what is happening here. Concealed
Read more…Tear expert William Frey spent 15 years studying tears, as head of a whole research team. They discovered that emotional tears contain toxic biochemical byproducts, so that weeping removes these toxic substances and relieves emotional stress. This is
Read more…Reiki: simple is good
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” - Albert Einstein
Reiki is a natural healing modality that relies on the healing intention of the practitioner for its effectiveness. It is a simple pro
Read more…The Divine power of 108 in Buddhism, Hinduism, and the Gospel of Thomas, Living Christianity.
Read more…Here is a very simple solution I have discovered which will neutralize any headache, in just a few seconds. Just say out loud, "All headache energy, Be Gone from my space, Right This Second!" Just say it like you mean it. : ) It may sound too simple
Read more…Hi All,
I have not been on this site for about a year now. I have been on spiritual journey (just as most of you) for about 7 years now and have been busy with this. On Sept 6th, 2013 I received the gift of healing. That is the ability to channel heal
Read more…Hello warmheartdly all,
I really like an aswer to this question...After the sad Gollum life I citated below in fragments...I just like to say no ascension...Healing/Love I need...Hope one can say no to ascension. I seem more of a tormented artist soul
Read more…Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness.
I wrote the following for the ‘planetary healing’ section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
This week, we’re going to examine what it’s like to be a musician/composer in the fourth dimension. We
Read more…Compassion is an "action" we "perform" within ourselves... it is connecting us to our Inner Strength and linking us up with the Universal "powers" of Creation... so that the aspects of the "motorized mind" can be mightily motivated for higher purpose
Read more…This is the key I see for us All to finally overcome any obstacles... when we find that Love has found a place within our hearts, we know in that moment what life is all about... there is nothing else that comes close to filling us with a purpose for
Read more…
Chapter XII