Revised comment;#2 & #3
Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
Steve Beckow’s recent call for every seeker who’s passionate about addressing this planet’s unworkability to state their issue and get to work (1) has inspired me to realize what I want to fix about our society,
Read more…!!!ASCENSION IS NOW!!! "The Domino Effect" -- Climbing Up Jacob's Ladder, and Helping Those Upon the Ladder the Behind You -- Keep Climbing Upwards for Ascension Now!
"The Domino Effect"
channeled by Rev. Deb Wright of Sananda's Eagles
Begin Yo
Read more…Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia
Sage: Is this really an “accident” or could he be a whistleblower? Either way, truth about offshore funds and hoarding is comin
Read more…In view of the frequency of natural disasters, Lord Melchizedek, Our Universal Logos, has brought to us a Grid of Light and Protection to use around the body and as a means to reduce the impact of the natural disasters. When your physica
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Revised comment;#2 & #3