Revised comment;#2 & #3
Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
I wrote the following for the “reader’s question” section of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter.
In place of a reader’s question, I’d like to give my perspective on how we can best define ourselves
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Spacecraft and
in the Bible
(Lightships and
Star Family)
For Biblical images/paintings of bible scenes that show ships:
Bible Paintings Showing Ships and E.T.s
Spacecraft a
Read more…GET OUT YOUR SWORDS, LIGHTWORKERS! "How To Pull & Use Your Sword" + It's Ascension Powers + The Split-Apart Test/s + AA Michael's Roles
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We of the Ashtar's Trinity Eagle Family would l
Michael's Legions - How To Pull Your Sword: Love Swords Causing Ascension + The Split-Apart Test/s + Step by Step Instructions of How to Use Your Sword + AA Michael's Roles
We of the Ashtar's Trinity Eagle Family would love for you to join your LIGHT
Path to Enlightenment is know our own true nature and the purpose and meaning of life.Attaining enlightenment is the greatest possible happiness for a human being.Enlightenment starts with knowing God The path that leads to enlightenment is the path
Read more…With the ever increasing showing of star ships around the planet, and more and more new news stations willing to share this information, it is seemingly any day now that massive showings of decloaked star ships will be seen around major cities creati
Read more…I have been meaning to write about the difference between Emotions and Feelings -between Thoughts and Knowing for a very long time. It is time that this process of returning to our "feeling" and "knowing" is made clear for all to see. In my previous
Read more…In response to Ben's post about the Disclosure issue; a channeled message from Adamu:
This message from Adamu in my opinion, is the most important and clearly stated message that I have heard publicly about what is coming, what the real choices are an
Read more…iv had the same three paracite infected entities espesially my dad since and before birth, i can help you lot loads but i cant stop them time sithing my karmic cycle and dismantleing my thought patterns to guess probabilities through trapping me in a
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Someone send a fax up to the moon and tell then to turn that damn thing down we have a magnetic overload happening here. With 3,267 members we are now geared t
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Revised comment;#2 & #3