Revised comment;#2 & #3
Hello, this is my first time contributing a post, and it is one which requires some feed back.
I am currently in a junior college and was required to write a paper on a topic of my choice. The premise of the assignment is that we must have a topic cho
Read more…Fascinating testimony of an author whose fantasy novels have become real and who has met actual characters from his novels in real life. This begs the question where do ideas come from. I too have had many ideas come through my imagination in what I
Read more…I think we need to look into our past and see what they before us did wrong and learn not to make those same mistakes. the past hold's great detail of very useful information. more than whatever you think the future holds within your imagination and
Read more…In my case, I say Kurt Cobain, vocalist of Nirvana knew something. Defnitely. He experienced a lot with drugs, and I'm not saying it was good but some makes you allucinate. I've always believed he has something to do with the lion people, he looks li
Read more…any ideas, i suggest allowing spiritual input starting with living conditions and food quality preferaly this years and not replicator quality, considering that over 60 percent of it gets shitted out and 90 for your average 2+ year old tescovalue tin
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Revised comment;#2 & #3