The First Contacts and The Men in Black
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White Vans round up homeless at night, and trick them during the day. They are killed, organs harvested, and cremated in mobile crematoriums called smokies. There is a big money to be made in selling the organs. Can get like 40k for a liver. Not to m
Read more…The modern feudalism of government and religion. Another 5 star presentation from the exceedingly wise Chiron Last.
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REincarnation is similar to Respawning in an MMO. That Orc you just killed is Never going to respawn as anything else. You Reap what you Sow doesn't mean what people think it does. If I plant corn seeds, I will get corn. If I plant "I'm going to rip
Read more…Trump had prior knowledge the event was going to happen, and was himself involved.
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Why the Elite cannot be sued, cannot lose anything they own, and if they slaughter an entire village do not go to Jail. Leave it to the Church to give themselves souls and make the rest of
Read more…Mt 26:26 "This is my body." Two Gemini born on May 26, the receiving of Amen Ra. 52 weeks. 365 days. 365 degree Lightbearers of the Living God. The Messiah and the Christ. The Sun and the Zodiac, Noah's Ark, New Jerusalem, Kaaba of Allah.
Jazmyn and I
Read more…The Elongated Skulls people have a Necropolis of them beneath the Vatican, and their true Headquarters is Switzerland. They are the Pharaohs from Egypt and the Tares to be removed in Eze 32.
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All the truely dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabbalah and return to it: everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of the Illuminati, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint-Read more…Martin, and others, is borrowed from Kabbalah, all the Masoni
48+ suspicious banker deaths, may be related to a psychic warfare program specifically designed to kill them.
Article for the Banker Deaths:
The Torture Murder Vivis
Read more…In this Latest Volume I reveal myself in a big way:
The Legend of Dragoon - Hidden Story of the Bible
108 is much the mirror of both the new age and the apocalypse.
Do we get an enlightened teacher or a god of
Read more…Yeshua, or YehSes (Jesus) of whom it states in the Revelation will have A NEW NAME when he returns. Yeshua, being a man himself, is not some sort of divine being for you to channel. You are just like the fools who pray to Mary. Both Jesus and Mary re
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When referring to the Western banking cabal, he states, “They don’t control the military and they don’t control the agencies and so on… We do have some protections. We have a militia, we hav
Read more…We need signatures, or else free speech on the Internet will end. You will go back to living in the dark ages, where see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil is your Catholic Creed. They can and will do anything they want, and all manner of evil, and
Read more…The Unveiling.
Has some of the hardest Gannon fights made with Hyrule Magic ever seen on a SNES. Hard yet actually doable and fun to watch.
Read more…And he is on the 5. I bet ALL the Presidents who are on Dollar Bills have birthdays that add up to the number of the bill. Those being 1, 20, 50, 100. I have not as of yet calculated them.
Add the month, day, and full year of their birthday together.
Read more…When addressing this, and the Illuminati, there is one very important consideration: The Baramus Massacre. Which path will you choose?
Scenario: you are a commander of the Walsta Liberation Army during a war and have already liberated your capital of
Read more…Are you getting everything you want in life? No, then it's your own fault! What a convenient thing to say for those who have everything and don't want to share anything.
Let's be clear about what's going on here. You watch something like "The Secret"
Read more…Chemtrails that spray nano technology. World War 3 and about the significance of Iranians took down rq-170 Sentinel Drone
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Make time capsules for everything. Bury them deep, toss them in the ocean, pray they aren't dug up. Think this is a joke? Look at all the fascinating ancient technology in the past, Egyptian high technology, Lemurian high technoloy, nuclear wars in a
Read more…Transition to 5D is both visible and gradual, although many don't notice. Some people, I can only describe as being stuck in limbo, because their waiting for a 4D world. I mean what, are you living in a place without time?
I think we had better review
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A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. Basic astrology analysis will be used. A tree for zero derees Aries is presented, but this tree is not strong due to the 12 pm time (and the Mc and As would be…