Revised comment;#2 & #3
is Ascension real? is Disclosure real? is The Event real?
when is the Ascension / Disclosure / Event ?
or, is it all just a wishful thinking / fantasy / dream / imagination only ?
any hard proof ?
honest question here. no sugar-coating, sweet-talk, & fa
is ascension real ?
is starseed real ?
is disclosure real ? even if yes, then what ?
at 32 years old now, and sadly still a loser & supposedly a "starseed" (although I honestly now sadly doubt if this whole thing is real or just another irresponsible hu
Read more…I was wondering if any other parents have been experiencing their childrens auras coming through in regular photographs? Recently, within the last year, I have been able to see my childrens auras coming through in many pictures that i have taken of t
Read more…I'm from Indonesia.
is this all Ascension, E.T Disclosure, starseeds, indigo, Ashtar, Pleidians etc stuff really real? or nonsense/BS only?
or just merely another human's vivid fantasy/imagination/beautiful wishful thinking, but that are NOT based in
This is not a test but after all these years the question here I will put out .Do you know who Ashtar is and Do you know what the Ashtar Galactic Command or Ashtar Command represent and where they come from and why they exist?
For many years I have no
Read more…I found in this Earth an old friend few months ago.We are friends since our birth event but not here,just in astral plane.I found him using internet in social network for artist I like to use or used to like,thinking in remove my profile and all my l
Read more…People can be so many to each other, I don’t understand it. My mom always taught me to “kill others with kindness”. It doesn’t help yourself or other people to be nasty and rude. Try to step in that person’s shoes. For instance, I saw a mini van stop
Read more…It started with spots of indigo light, but now I see bright indigo fractals and sacred geometry at night when I try to sleep. These shapes are accompanied with understandings and wisdom i can't begin to describe in words. I'm also able to see geometr
Read more…Higher Vibrational People
by Laurel Chaisson
Although they have been on Earth since the dawn of humanity in small
numbers, the Higher Vibrational People have been appearing more and
more rapidly in the past decade. Among them are the Indigo, Crystal,
I DON'T FIND USEFUL~OR MUCH WORTH TO" WORDS" AT ALL anymore as they are becoming something of not much meaning as once were for me! OR LABELS~ I know~THAT I am a sensitive and PSYCHIC man and have always been very sensitive to others thoughts and fe
Read more…So....I have recently felt this inkling to get into astrology, and I have found out that it has been helpful in dealing with the ebbs and flows that is life. I recently ordered my Mayan astrological reading, and that was pretty amazing too.
I am esp
Read more…A while ago I wrote a post about the variety of different labels we use to describe something similar or identical: starseeds, starkids, hybrids, indigoes, etc. My point was that because of this, the community is not as united as it might be if we ha
Read more…Hello Everyone,
I just got my membership approved to Ashtar Command and thought I would just say hello to the community and see what is currently established within the group. I have been sifting my way through the internet for about a year know loo
Read more…This is something that I need help to understand. I know basically what a lightworker, a starseed, and a walk-in are, but can someone explain a few more to me? I know there are others that I didnt list above.ThanksMV
Read more…I thought most of us could use some cheering up, so here a few song suggestions that always help when im feeling down!
Here is a song that relaxes :)
Just remember that these struggles we are experiencing are part of life lessons or maybe to just flu
Read more…Hi all!
I think it's interesting that there are so many different terms out there: starseeds, starkids, hybrids, indigos, walk-ins, lightworkers - and I've probably missed a few! While some of these terms are synonymous and others mean something sligh
Read more…I am a Starseed, i have been aware of my nature as long as i have had cognitive thought. throughout my entire life i have been set aside as something different, it is immediately apparent to anyone i encounter. i have had visions and walked the spiri
Read more…now i wander what would happen if a bunch of people who incarnated on this planet to bring love and light was to disclose the races by being the ones to come out of the ships
love and light
Read more…I've been reluctant in the last six months to openly speak my mind on this issue because everytime I do it's knocked down as being a "neo con" issue or that I'm some kind of propagandist (which I'm not).
No, I want see peace in the middle east the un
Read more…Okay, So for all you out their reading this. I remember having a experience over a year ago now. It started with trying a spiritual drug called DMT (it's the drug the ancient's have been using for thousand of years but in today's society I don't know
Read more…
Revised comment;#2 & #3