inner (23)
Genesis For The Space Race
Here is the updated release of John Leith's with much new information:
Genesis For The Space Race with Col. Donald Ware:
New Germany & The Hollow Earth - John Leith Revelations - Much More To Be Revealed . . . .
From The Rare Book - "Genesis of the New Space Race"
by John Leith
The New Germany and the Hollow Earth |
Oversoul Teachings: Focus On Your Inner Work
Channeled through Wes Annac, Oversoul Teachings -
The best advice we can give any earthly seeker is not to take yourselves or your existence too seriously, and there’s nothing wrong with lighten
Read more…5th dimensional new age music
I would like to share something that makes my heart the happiest:))). I'm a lightworker which mission is to share the 5D music I write, packed in a new vibe, modern theme, to raise awarness and consciousness of other people. My original planet is Arc
Read more…My Wife can be from the Inner Earth?
I pretty much lurk on this site to understand how there are some aliens which help and some that harm. I noticed that Jesus Christ is discussed a lot here.
Note that although this in the Soulmates' forum, I don't believe in a "soul mate."
Read more…The Enneagram - discover a blueprint of your soul...
When people first accurately identify their individual Enneagram type, they often describe the experience as something akin to a spiritual awakening. It can feel like you've found a blueprint of your soul - including all that makes you unique, as wel
Read more…Spiritual Guidance: Inner Change is the Path to Wholeness
Conveyed through Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
Humanity can communicate with various entities and collectives who’ve tasked ourselves with helping heal your planet of the widespread pollution that’s keeping your society in lower states of conscious
Read more…Accessing Our Sacred Inner Gifts - Part 3/3
Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm,
Concluded from Part 2
The Constant Companions via Aisha North urge us to wake up from our instated slumber so we can access ou
Read more…Accessing Our Sacred Inner Gifts - Part 2/3
Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm,
Continued from Part 1
Mother Mary through Fran Zepeda encourages us to expand our perception of who we are and what we’re capa
Read more…Accessing Our Sacred Inner Gifts - Part 1/3
Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm,
This is one of my aforementioned backed-up articles that I initially thought about not posting, but I feel like those of yo
Read more…Musings on Abundance and Inner Strength
Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Imagine meeting every bit of adversity that comes your way with unbridled strength and enthusiasm. Feel yourself meet every challenge happily and enthusiastically, because we’re growing into more willing ve
Read more…Teal Scott : How to Awaken the Divine Feminine Within!
Teal Scott : How to Awaken the Divine Feminine Within!
Teal Scott - The Spiritual Catalyst's YouTube Channel:
Teal Scott - The Spiritual Catalyst
Very cool video-blog discussing: How to Awaken the Divine Feminine Within :)
- Inner Beauty and Outer Beauty
- E
Well, if you want to keep away from earth quakes read this
The key is to believe and know that you have an inner world inside of you, which is like a city, or whatever you want to "mold" it or "portrait it", because we are one, the more people who reads this the more we will spread this "safety". Because if
Read more…Today's Message from the Inner Workings of the Earth 5/20/12
Rion of Orion on Ascension
This weekend felt extremely intense to me!
At times I felt waves that made me feel totally disjointed from myself - vibrations of a high magnitude - like an Inner Earthquake of sorts.
Things are getting very intense for us all!
A lot of duality
Georgi stankov : The Divine Plan of 11.11.11 was Postponed
dear friends, first of all i don't intend to degrade the entity georgi stankov or any of his accomplishments, neither the state of ascension.
on november 13th, in his latest article (State-of-Ascension-Report-25), he claims that he had hopes for leavi
Read more…InnerEarth~Opening the Portals, Rebuilding the Bridges
Greetings to the Masters,
I greet you all from the soon to be yours fifth dimensional reality where our civilization resides. I could say I greet you on behalf of the Telosians, the Fifth Dimensional Lemurian City under Mount Shasta, but I would rath
Read more…Inner Earth
The Title says it all...I won't take out any excerpts, but leave it to you to read for yourself.
(I personally have been aware & following the info > from a variety of sources for many years before sites like these were up and running)
Read more…WE'RE HERE BECAUSE WE'RE HERE BECAUSE WE'RE HERE BECAUSE WE'RE HERE !Why do you think we are all really collectively here at AC ?
feel free to say whatever -------------------------------------
Gee - I have been here for a few years now! and I still come here to learn .... Sometime I have no idea why I come here !!
How about YOU ?
Read more…Latest Activity"
Chapter XIX