Scott McQuate Exposed and Esoteric Symbolism
Reptillian hybrid who does the Christian unpardonable sin + Occult Numerology and Esoteric Symbolism
Read more…Reptillian hybrid who does the Christian unpardonable sin + Occult Numerology and Esoteric Symbolism
Read more…The Secret is Out. ConCave Earth is the Bottomless Pit and Lord Steven Christ is Abbadon the Destroyer, king of the Fallen Angels. If you take his fake seal of the Living God, then you forfeit the real Seal
Read more…On the wiki page for Iron Man, we learn the song has LITTLE to do with the character and is not really based on him.
Instead it's a song about Jesus...
Pan Door of R
Read more…Im trying to rebuild my youtube channel, going to be uploading a lot of videos in the next 30 days. This is about Esoteric symbolism in Mario Bros.
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Not a Harlot, she was an Egyptian Queen.
The Color Scarlet
From its infancy the Christian Church has taught that Joshua son of Nun in the Old Testament was a “type” or “figur
Read more…I am the real Moonchild, who restores the Gods. Today I defeated 666 and made my greatest video ever.
666 is defeated by 9
0 = no feminine
8 = divine feminine
1+0 = 1
1+8 = 9
4 DMV Enmity, was pu
Read more…The Universe is a Brain. The Galaxies are Galactic Overmind. The Milky Way is Jesus. The 2 galaxies wont be living together for 4 billion years.
Read more…Love, why do we need it? There are 8 billion people in the world, but so long as we die within 100 years, yes we absolutely must have it! Reproduction exists mainly because of death, as an evolutionary or biological response, but in a world with 8 bi
Read more…In this Latest Volume I reveal myself in a big way:
The Legend of Dragoon - Hidden Story of the Bible
108 is much the mirror of both the new age and the apocalypse.
Do we get an enlightened teacher or a god of
Read more…Yes, Milk comes from cows, and psychedelic mushrooms grow in their remains. Bullshit you say, exactly! Galaxies are held together by supermassive black holes at the center. It is like standing at the center of truth, surrounded by stars. It selective
Read more…The Divine power of 108 in Buddhism, Hinduism, and the Gospel of Thomas, Living Christianity.
Read more…Yeshua, or YehSes (Jesus) of whom it states in the Revelation will have A NEW NAME when he returns. Yeshua, being a man himself, is not some sort of divine being for you to channel. You are just like the fools who pray to Mary. Both Jesus and Mary re
Read more…We are conditioned to think that hair styling is important and how it makes a cool fashion statement. But in olden times it was a different story. An interesting find revealed that long hair in men was actually related to consciousness or t
Read more…He has the blood from All 128 royal families, and is planning to free humanity by releasing Solomons gold. He's in the position to fulfill an important aspect of the second coming... Gospel of Thomas 108 is another.
In case you're wondering. GZEZ is a
Read more…Secret of the Sea Sons, children of MU, Lemuria. Atum Wins Terra until Shem Uranus returns to Sumeria.
Read more…Saturn (limitation and control) rules the current age, but Uranus rules the Age of Aquarius. Uriel is associated with Uranus, so I guess most of us won't enter, unless we cut the days short, because according to Uriel, the coming world is made for fe
Read more…Secrets revealed in Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper show only 11 Apostles, Mary, Jesus, and a Child with a knife to it's back, held by Judas, as if to say If Jesus doesn't play along the child will die. The people on the right are having a conversati
Read more…The Unveiling.
Has some of the hardest Gannon fights made with Hyrule Magic ever seen on a SNES. Hard yet actually doable and fun to watch.
Read more…This is a fan made educational spiritual series. It has about 7 episodes, 3 are done.
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Chapter XII