2012 might not happen until 2019
because our calenders are not accurate...
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because our calenders are not accurate...
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July 2 , 2012 |
June 19 , 2012
Day 235 of the 260 Day Tzolkin - 25 Kin Remaining
Gregorian Date: June 19, 2012
Year Bearer: 13 Caban (Earth)
Trecenas are thirteen-day periods in the Tzolkin. Each Trecena starts
This extract is taken from the Andromeda Council Website:
http://andromedacouncil.com/page05.html ~01/15/2012
What about the current status of Tekoma the brown dwarf that will become our second sun?
ANSWER: Mid-January 2012 update to questions
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A Brand New Series i am working on for 2012, about a great many deal of subjects.. ranging from the hollow earth and fall of atlantis, To ancient knowledge & Grey illuminati bloodline agenda.. Also Incorporating modern world events, knowledge of sacr
Read more…Posted on Reuters: News Aug 17th 2011
The Mexican government is releasing state-held secrets about the end of the Mayan calendar to the makers of a documentary, "Revelations of the Maya
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Join Us tonight LIVE for a free webtv meditation "Shift of Ages" at 7:15 pm California time, monday, August 29th. Connect to http://www.panharmonic.com/panharmonic_live_tv.html to view, and press play. Join many practitioners in our 9 week practice
Read more…Calendars are the centre of civilisation... This you-tube link is for those of us who do not understand the complicated explanations given by Dr. Calleman. If you have been looking for a simple scientific account of what it all means then this is wha
Read more…I thought everyone here would appreciate it and do their part to spread the word.
It is a great Idea that we need to help make viral.
Check out the website and pass it on....
Peace & Love
Read more…Blue Solar Hand
White Northern Castle of Crossing
Earth family- Core Clan- Blood
I pulse in order to know
Realizing healing
I seal the store of accomplishment
With the solar tone of intention
I am guided by the power of abundance
Kin 87
Harmonic 22: Planeta
i often wonder how many people know how closely ashtar is connected with venus, the yellow gas planet. my personal planet is jupiter, the orange giant. i often feel venus is so important to the command because of its proximity to earth and mercury, t
Read more…http://www.calleman.com/content/articles/Vision_for_ConsciousConvergence.htm
I've tried to attach a PDF file of the article. If it doesn't work, it's downloadable from the above link.
I was impressed with his ideas, attitude and the fact that the Ma
I have found an interessting articel about this topic !What do you think ? When will The Mayan Calendar come to an end ?Is there more information on this topic ?The risks of believing that the Mayan calendar ends December 21, 2012! by Carl Johan Call
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