The delicious words of love lead to the ardent kiss of adoration. The sexual act is the…
White Vans round up homeless at night, and trick them during the day. They are killed, organs harvested, and cremated in mobile crematoriums called smokies. There is a big money to be made in selling the organs. Can get like 40k for a liver. Not to m
Read more…The modern feudalism of government and religion. Another 5 star presentation from the exceedingly wise Chiron Last.
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I was watching the Mother Shipton video and decided to look up the part about Gold growing from tree stumps. Turns out this is true.
Read more…Abundance is not just money, most of us know that .. however, for the purpous of this thread, I would like the conversattion to center around money. It appears to me that most folks could do with a little more of the green stuff, even if its just for
Read more…Two Political Scientists have proven that the middle or lower class voter doesn't matter, and the rich Elite always get everything they want:
It is hardly news that the rich have more political
Read more…Check out this beautiful Money Tree Meditation/Activation to increase your prosperity and manifestation powers by Bryan de Flores!
Read more…Things are REALLY happening
Fed up with U.S. dominance of the global financial system, five emerging market powers this week will launch their own versions of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Af
Read more…The Biggest Scam in The History Of Mankind
Facts about money and currency explained in an entertaining and easy-to-understand way.
You are about to learn one of the biggest secrets in the history of the's a secret that has huge effects for e
Read more…Hi All, this is a google transelation but its worth a read to understand the money system:
300-year struggle for the money system
">by niels87
">In this article I describe how the past 300 years has been a constant struggle between nation states and pr
In Spain the hype began by expressing their dissatisfaction with the politicians, bankers and "Europe" the most visible product they have produced: the euro banknotes! Maybe this is a highly effective means to create! Awareness These small writings
Read more…Back in the 1930s, Henry Ford is supposed to have remarked that it was a good thing that most Americans didn't know how banking really works, because if they did, "there'd be a revolution before tomorrow morning".
Last week, something remarkable happe
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Daniel Suelo lives in caves in the canyonlands of Utah. He survives by harvesting wild foods and eating roadkill.
He has no job, no bank account and does not accept government welfare. In fact, Suelo has no money at all.
Suelo may have shunned all the
Could a world without money, where everything is free, work?
The Free World Charter is a set of principles that have the potential to optimise life on Earth for all species, eradicate human poverty and greed, and advance progress exponentially.
I just got this from Project.Nsearch and they asked it to be passed along. The story is pretty fantastic....meaning horrible. It never fails to sicken me when I hear how rotten to the core our government is. And when I heard this, I was deeply dis
Read more…More news on the beloved financial system. Seems it just keeps getting worst! It has to end sometime, just wish it would hurry...... This article is posted by an individual who preaches fear, but the message is what's important. These "people" need
Read more…Brief look at the financial state of the world... read between the lines, folks :)
Moody's Downgrade, Too Little, Too Late
First let me send greetings to the readers of Zero Hedge from Leens Lodge in Grand Lake Stream, ME. David Kotok from Cumberland
Read more…I was so moved by a message from Peter of the Pleiadiansthis morning when
he said basically, that if we all stopped giving money to the corrupt big banks, for the entire month of JUNE,we should be able to topple this EVIL monster by JULY.
This is what
Read more…Italian investigators have charged four priests with laundering money out of the Vatican's official bank, the Institute for the Works of Religion, the National Catholic Reporter's John L. Allen Jr. writes.
The Italian daily l'Unita was the first to re
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As the world seems to be falling apart through war, oppression, tyranny, banking collapses and corruption, one cannot help to notice how these events are needed in order to usher in the Golden Age. What we are now witnessing is the 'Dark before the
Read more…Chapter II THE SON OF MAN
The delicious words of love lead to the ardent kiss of adoration. The sexual act is the…
Sunset at 4:35 p.m. today-Drones were flying all night-stationary orbs were up there, too.