Revised ; #4
The above pic is an…
There was a lion who lived in a small, local zoo. His cage was so small that all he could do was walk back and forth and back and forth. The citizens of the town felt sorry for the lion and decided to raise enough money to create a huge, env
Arcturian Corridor, Preparing for Ascension
Life on the Starship
In the mid-1990’s I had my first experience of merging with a fifth dimensional expression of my Multidimensional SELF whom I call Kepier. About a year and a half ago I began
Read more…Part 1: The Arcturians: "Your multidimensional reality"
September 5, 2011
Your Multidimensional Reality II
Inter-dimensional Travel
Greetings from the Arcturians, we see that many of you, our grounded expressions of SELF, are now awake
Read more…August, 2011
Greeting, I AM El Morya,
I speak to you again of being an Ascended Master with a physical form. All of the Ascended Masters throughout the ages have had the ability to maintain an earth vessel for varying amounts of
Read more…August, 2011
Arcturian CORRIDOR
Your Multidimensional Reality
Inter-dimensional Communication
Blessings to our grounded ones,
We meet once again inside our Arcturian Corridor. As a result of our many inter-dimensional meetings, you have learned to incorpo
Our ascension is drawing near and I, along with many others, am receiving many communications that I feel need to be shared. Therefore, I am beginning Multidimensional Bulletins to present short messages that I have received from beyond about our pro
Read more…By Dr. Suzan Caroll
You can enjoy the audio meditations and youtubes at the archived newsletter:
Previous message; The Arcturians: "The process of ascension & history of Sirius B -
Read more…For Part I please click Newsletter for February 17, 2011 at:
If your version of this newsletter is without pictures and hot links, you can enjoy the audio meditations and youtubes a
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Revised ; #4
The above pic is an…