Revised comment;#2 & #3
It's highly unlikely we're alone in the universe, NASA experts are saying, and we may be close to finding alien life. In fact, it may happen in the next two decades.
NASA held a panel discussion at the agency's Washington headquarters on Monday, where
Read more…Soldiers, Vehicles, and Animals found on Mars. Some are very clear, much better then you would usually find in this sort of thing.
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ive found reading on this subject very interesting. i am always on a quest to further logical data of such subjects. ( not just for myself but if i share information with others id like it to be as acurate as possible)i came across this article today
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This video is not edited or manipulated in any way... WTF IS THE SUN DOING!?
Go to: , and click on "48 hour MPEG" in the first image (or any of the images that have 48 hour MPEG).... WOW!!
See more superb info at
..that's what they're probably thinking when they look @ us from up there.
Time Lapse video of Earth from the ISS
Read more…Tuesday, 20 September 2011 18:08
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No-fly zones will come into effect on the moon for the very first time by the end of this month!
Why, even buffer zones that spacecraft may have to avoid will come into existence. The reason: avoiding any spraying of ro
Read more…The attached NASA images reveals what happened to Elenin as a sudden CME interacted with it, just a few days ago.
It shows that AROUND the actual “nucleus” of Elenin suddenly appeared a stunning GEOMETRIC shape … created by some kind of “force field.”
Read more…(NaturalNews) Recent data released by Dimitar Ouzounov and colleagues from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland highlights some strange atmospheric anomalies over Japan just days before the massive earthquake and tsunami struck on March 1
NASA has confirmed the existence of Jupiter sized planets that exist and travel through the dark space within and around Universes. This my friends is the beginning stages of MANY things to be reveled. Though they will not tell all, it is within our
Read more…March 16, 2011: Mark your calendar. On March 19th, a full Moon of rare size and beauty will rise in the east at sunset. It's a super "perigee moon"--the biggest in almost 20 years.
"The last full Moon so big and close to Earth occurred in March of 199
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Are we getting closer to disclosure ppl? I SURE HOPE SO!
Read more…This was last year, but I couldnt find anywhere on this forum that covered the subject.Was there perhaps a more Esoteric agenda behind the bombing?With only 20 years in service, India's space program finds a large amount of water on the moon. http://
Read more…Ganked from another site:With news reports confirming that NASA will bomb the moons poles to see if water exists some scientists are showing concern over these actions. Should be be allowed to bomb land outside earth and do what we wish?Some reports
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Revised comment;#2 & #3