Revised comment;#2 & #3
Yeshua, or YehSes (Jesus) of whom it states in the Revelation will have A NEW NAME when he returns. Yeshua, being a man himself, is not some sort of divine being for you to channel. You are just like the fools who pray to Mary. Both Jesus and Mary re
Read more…He has the blood from All 128 royal families, and is planning to free humanity by releasing Solomons gold. He's in the position to fulfill an important aspect of the second coming... Gospel of Thomas 108 is another.
In case you're wondering. GZEZ is a
Read more…We need signatures, or else free speech on the Internet will end. You will go back to living in the dark ages, where see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil is your Catholic Creed. They can and will do anything they want, and all manner of evil, and
Read more…Gannondorf welcomes you to The Blue Boar. (about 9,250,000 results (0.35 seconds) Have a drink at the Blue Boar pub, have a snack at The Blue Boar restaurant, read a Blue Boar book on Blue Boar lane, Canturbery NH. Yes the list goes on and on, Gannon
Read more…Transition to 5D is both visible and gradual, although many don't notice. Some people, I can only describe as being stuck in limbo, because their waiting for a 4D world. I mean what, are you living in a place without time?
I think we had better review
Read more…Soldiers, Vehicles, and Animals found on Mars. Some are very clear, much better then you would usually find in this sort of thing.
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TIM Rifat isn't slow to take credit for the recent bankers that are dying en masse. He even offers a service where he will curse and kill them for you online. Killing with psychic means, he claims, is totally legal because the court doesn't believe i
Read more…So many revere this man's words fearing 'the end' is near. His "warnings" weren't in any way prophetic, they were all a part of 'the plan.' A prescription for disasters and a blueprint to work off of the 1% has successfully used to keep all in line
Read more…Illuminutty (not misspelled) mind control is alive and thriving in Ashtar. The politics of fear run rampant, just look at the amount of hate threads constantly in the top 8.
This is supposed to be a place of spiritual growth and acceptance yet what I
Read more…The NSA spying on american citizens is some SERIOUS SHIT. So why would you make a joke about it? HERE IS THE OFFICIAL TRAILER
Read more…I have tried to find more explanation for this loud sound (knowing as the HUM-SOUND) that people can feel big vibrations from the ground and hear it from the sky around the world. Do anyone in here have HARD CORE FACTS about this fenomen?
Here is a vi
Read more…Please Friends,
You ALL gotta get OFF this Repub/Demlibb thing!
They are one snake with 2 heads.
ALL U.S. Presidents (of Either Party) since McKinley (who sank the Maine in 1898 to start war with Spain and get Puerto Rico) and many before him, have
I stumbled across this today,
A video clearly made by the "illumanati" probably used in training their initiates in the past.
The man speaking in this video has a negative vibe, but its interesting to note, the mischi
Read more…Interview with Eustace Mullins 2005
The Neo-Zionist Order - Who rules your rulers?
Most Americans would agree that there is something desperately wrong with the political and judicial system in the United States, but as many unsuspecting Americans
After the Death of Gaddafi and doing some research I have found some very interesting information on him. As well as lots of lies exposed about the media coverage on him.
Anyway, to get to the point in one of his last speeches, Gaddafi mention The Gre
Read more…Dratzo, dear brothers & sisters from Ashtar ground crew!
Sometimes man says: "The truth is cruel!". Yes, indeed it is ... and Cosmos is as much as beautifull as it is very complicated too.
You probably heard for the Reptilian Secret pact (Secret Covena
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I wish i could say just kiddin`with that topic, i have never heard such a thing!! But unfortunately i did today and even if it sounds totally crazy the man talking about it has never had wrong in the past 35 years. I really think you should watch
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Revised comment;#2 & #3