Chapter X
Krishna said:
"Bashar explains hollow earth and this explanation....Our earth is not hollow, but if you switch over to the next astral plane (or dimension) it is hollow, except you can only observe that if you exist in that other dimension."
Read more…I have numerous alignments in my chart. One is my Neptune in Capricorn at 25.08 degrees which I hear 25 degrees is a pleidian star seed code? I have recently started looking into Sandra Lavender and her mastery in astrology. Apparent 25, 26, and 27 d
Read more…The closest Alien Planet (Shown Above)
By: Mike Wall
Published: 06/03/2013 03:09 PM EDT on
The stars will align for planet hunters twice in the next three years, allowing them to probe the nearest star to our own solar system for Earth-size a
Read more…... Lyra, Regulus, Capulus, Aldebaran, Algol, Sirius, Rigel, Mirzam, Alphecca, Acrux, Thuban, Arcturus, Ceres, Cupido, Juno, Lilith, Pallas, Vesta, Eros, Sigm, Syzygy moon, Astraea, Hebe, Hygeia, Psyche, Proserphina, Urania, Circe, Isis, Pandora, Nio
Read more…My friends, for i know its been so long. I want to grant you Love for your time well spent wondering and dreaming of a World soon to be "discovered."
As comfort and understanding of what is SOON to come, I give you the structure of what you shall soon
Read more…“Abduction to the 9th Planet”
of Michel Desmarquet
This may seem as a fairytale - but read it all, and you will recognize a lot of wisdom. If this is all a fabricated story - it is though filled with ancient and spiritual knowledg
Read more…Also at the place I live are strange sounds in the skies.
I just identified it as sound waves from planetary bodies in our Solar system.
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NASA has confirmed the existence of Jupiter sized planets that exist and travel through the dark space within and around Universes. This my friends is the beginning stages of MANY things to be reveled. Though they will not tell all, it is within our
Read more…For anyone wanting to see uranus with your naked eye look to the moon tonight or now if it is night, i live in the uk and it is currently to the lower left of the as I see it from my garden, its easy to forget they are real objects too when looking a
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Chapter X
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A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. Basic astrology analysis will be used. A tree for zero derees Aries is presented, but this tree is not strong due to the 12 pm time (and the Mc and As would be…