The First Contacts and The Men in Black
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Note: This interview was channeled in the timeframe of August 24-29, 2013.
Wes Annac: With Love and appreciation, I would like to connect with the Pleiadian High Council.
The Pleiadian High Council: You are forever connected with our energies, dear scr
The minds and hearts of the awakening public are expanding as rapidly as your progression into the realms of full consciousness. If we could only detail our amazement as we watch you continue to traverse a path that tests
These were taken in the last 4 days. First pic I was visualizing the trees being the Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid. It almost looks like a stereotypical alien head made of light in electric bolts the way the lighting is...Wyrd. Next was taken to
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February 8, 2013
Greetings, I am Mira currently working with the Earth Council.
I have much to report at this time. There is a shaking of the Earth and the Earth’s old records. It is time for the truth to come out. Much that
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Written by Steve Beckow
I caution people from being taken in by cabal attempts to confuse and raise doubt in us through the propagation of false channeled information.
Just as the c
Read more…REALLY IT'S NOT FUN TO B ME~THIS IS NOT A GAME~ & IS OH SO VERY REAL~I HAVE MADE MANY MSTAKES~ THROUGHOUT 4 THE IMPACT & ACCOMPLISHMENTS I COULD HAVE contributed~ I failed ~ & NOW~ I hang my head in shame for ~NOT~ beiing a stronger man~as I though
Read more…~ I have to be honest~ YESTERDAY~ & TODAY~ HAVE BEEN MOST HARD TIMES FOR ME THROUGHOUT THIS PROCESS!!!! Yesterday... I started VIBRATING SO HARD~ SO HARD~ & am losing my old vision~COMPLETELY~ I will go out and EVERYTHING will just become blue & VIOL
Read more…~ I feel strongly today to share what I feel regarding 'CONTACT"~ WHICH I FEEL THEM STRONGER THAN EVER~ PUSHING WE ALL share ~ our knowledge of this topic~NOW~! I FEEL THAT ANY BEINGS THAT ARE HERE IN THIS NOW~ It is very important~ TO UNDERSTAND~
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We have visited the people of your world many times in your history, be it recent or ancient. At this current moment in your ascension process, our primary preferred method of contact and communication with the souls w
We see you all making such great strides in your development, and we can only smile. It has been wonderful to watch you all progress in such interesting ways, and many of you are now beginning to come together and understand eachothe
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A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. Basic astrology analysis will be used. A tree for zero derees Aries is presented, but this tree is not strong due to the 12 pm time (and the Mc and As would be…