politics (20)
The Love-Powered Evolutionary: Four Leadership Keys to Activate the Age of the Heart
Calling all conscious change agents who are building a new paradigm for our world: the next evolution has begun!
And THIS evolution will be fueled by the power of love....
This long-awaited shift requires the ignition of the personal and global heart a
Read more…Watch if you Dare... Watch if you CARE :) <3
Obama Tears up While Addressing Campaign Staff
What if you Dare -- Watch if you CARE about what the truth is... :)
If you can put judgment aside and just be the observer with an Open Heart you can see the good in President Obama here beyond a shadow
The Cosmic Giggle
It is now overwhelmingly clear that we are facing immense challenges as a species that are completely unprecedented. These challenges are a complex, multi-layered and interwoven tapestry of many previously disparate arenas that are now converging.
Read more…The Galactic Federation ready to enter the dutch parliament
Press 'CC' for english subtitles.
More to come! ;)
Read more…Obama signs executive order rejoining the International Criminal Court
American War Criminals Now Subject To Laws US Enforces on Others
by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
In a surprise move, President Obama signed an executive order rejoining the International Criminal Court, an org
Read more…Dutch Political Pioneers Party Set to Take Dozens of Seats
The New Dutch Sovereign Independent Pioneer Party (SOPN) founded by Ufologist Anton Teuben settled in the village of Soest, expects to take "dozens of seats" in the House of Representatives this fall. That being said, a poll - by the Dutch Newspaper
Brave Politics: The best of Nigel Farage speeches
Personally I really enjoy these speeches from the british politician Nigel Farage.
More than once I needed to laugh about the direct but oh so true points Nigel is throwing on the political table in Britain and Europe.
Published on Mar 11, 2012 by uki
Read more…Ben Bernanke--Drunk and Honest
I never really post about politics in the least bit, but this is just down right hilarious.
Apparently everybody is getting in touch with their higher selves (even if it takes a few drinks)
Read more…The other side of the story: An interview with president Assad of Syria (Video)
A Russian military unit has arrived in Syria, according to Russian news reports, a development that a United Nations Security Council source told ABC News was "a bomb" certain to have serious repercussions.
Russia, one of President Bashar al-Assad's s
Read more…‘US supports terrorists that kill friends and foe alike’
Press TV has conducted a revealing interview with Dr. Paul Sheldon Foote, prof
Why Putin is driving Washington nuts
By Pepe Escobar
Forget the past (Saddam, Osama, Gaddafi) and the present (Assad, Ahmadinejad). A bet can be made over a bottle of Petrus 1989 (the problem is waiting the next six years to collect); for the foreseeable future, Washington's top bogeym
Collective European Action against ESM
SPECIAL EDITION IN COOPERATION WITH : Argusoog, BOUblog, Courtfool.info, Earth Matters, GoTo2012, De Reaguurder, E.J. Bron, Het Uur van de Waarheid, Infohit.nl, KlokkenluiderOnline, Mo Kijkt Verder, Occupy Ede, Occupy Nederland, Paradigma, Real Curre
America in 'Martial Law'
The National Defense Authorization Act, which will allow American authorities to detain US citizens indefinitely without trial, comes into effect Thursday. American film director Sean Stone told RT it's a step on the path towards “a total war state.”
Read more…What isn't being said about Murdoch and News Corporation
Today the British papers not owned by Rupert Murdoch “rumored” that he might be jailed. Americans, even Brits, have little or no idea what is at risk here.
There is simply no one who can report it when the individual who, not only controls the world
Read more…The Corrupt System
Title updated, and material added.
This is a very funny view and explanation about the governments system. :)
Please watch, and spread this around the people of the world!
..explanation about the tiny dot
Source: http://www.darkgovernment.com/
Read more…Time to reflect.
Take a look... where you are right now. On a social website, made around 2007-08, which is now filled with thousands upon thousands of people who do believe and see truth in this often thought "silly conspiracy story", or hypothetical view of our Uni
Read more…Do not Forget: The New Dimension (95:59:11)
There's been so much going on lately my friends. But i ask you all to not become consumed with what the Media is providing you. Your hunger for truth and knowledge is evident. But many of the Leaders are trying their hardest to deter your attentions
Read more…To Break the Fear and Dim the Hate - Five Things You Love About Here and Now
Basically, this is exactly what the title says. I did this on Facebook because I've been listening to my aunt and my uncle and their constant posts about how terrible this or that is in politics, or how the future is going to be so terrible and all t
Read more…Guidance and Understanding of the Actual World
Namaste,I am goin to talk about all that goes on my mind, that is much.The world we know today is filed with negativity, the actual crisis made by our Global financial markets droped from sky high and with it peoples joy.Tho, not considering this the
Read more…Latest Activity
Chapter XII