Sunset at 4:35 p.m. today
bee + HAVING !!!
IF YOU do it with a different feeling, you transmute something with bees, which are excelent transmuters!!! (that's why they use the hexagon, as a stargate!)
sO it should be use this word in examples of love appreciation:
Read more…I have tried to find more explanation for this loud sound (knowing as the HUM-SOUND) that people can feel big vibrations from the ground and hear it from the sky around the world. Do anyone in here have HARD CORE FACTS about this fenomen?
Here is a vi
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Nassim Haramein has spotted Earth Sized UFOS and he think they are using our sun as a "Stargate" portal to other systems.
Read more…This was last year, but I couldnt find anywhere on this forum that covered the subject.Was there perhaps a more Esoteric agenda behind the bombing?With only 20 years in service, India's space program finds a large amount of water on the moon. http://
Read more…From AA Metatron:This spiral of light in the sky is an opening through a portal. This is the beginning of theCosmic Burst of Love StarGate Portal Opening. This is a 72 hour process which will raise thevibrations of Earth and on 12/12/09 nothing that
Read more…Sunset at 4:35 p.m. today
Next up on the Galactic blogs will be the Nu Ceteans who are a small bear like group who are known for having some of the best pilots and navigators in the galaxy. All info is from Sheldan Nidle's book Your Galactic…