So a few UFOs have made themselves known to my house.. Me and a friend seen and watched... Others around seemed to be as life as usual.. But I also had encounters.. This has been a great week.
Read more…So a few UFOs have made themselves known to my house.. Me and a friend seen and watched... Others around seemed to be as life as usual.. But I also had encounters.. This has been a great week.
Read more…I know what disclosure is, I also know what decloaking means. I waint to know what YOU think about just one aspect to it all. Do you think, believe,or feel that there will be mass landings of (UFO) craft on the Earth between now and the next, say, fi
Read more…By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness, July 14, 2015
If you’re interested in UFOs, you probably know about the Rendlesham Forest incident, where multiple UFOs were claimed to be spotted near a military base in England. Some people
Read more…“The Reagan Briefing on Roswell” Now they can no longer deny the truth of Roswell! This amazing Transcript of classified tape recording made during a presidential briefing on UFOs and ALIEN VISITATION of EARTH!
Read more…I have been seeing ufos for many years now,.
It's what lead me to this website so long ago.
Now there are UFOs in the sky non stop, day and night.
Whether they are drones, military, aliens, spiritual beings, etc,
they are definitely here out in the open,
Read more…Well, at least I can't say, where was the government hiding it? Coming with a ship of that size would be a good way to prove it.
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Posted by Stephen Cook on April 20, 2014 |
Image Credit: Gerhard Uhlhorn
Stephen: This is a famous UFO case in the UK and Nick Pope is a former Ministry of Defence staffer. Thanks to Andrew.
By Tony Rennell, The Daily Mail – April 18, 2014 – http://tin
The real ones are so detailed it is obvious they have been created by some kind of unseen force. The mystery lies in the messages of the crop circles AND what created them. Crop circles contain a symbolic lan
Read more…If you want to know how to build one, you need to buy Stan Deyo's book "The Cosmic Conspiracy." With a UFO one could visit Hollow Earth and learn the true secrets of Creation.
Read more…The Malaysian Airline flight 370 was taken by ASTHAR ship to Hollow Earth- soon the passengers will come forward to tell there story This is part of UFO DISCLOSURE!
Read more…Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
Stephen Cook: Seems the Galactics are keeping an eye on things on the ground in Syria, if this footage posted by YouTube user UFOvni2012 from August 31, 2013 is any indication.
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Planet X, Nibiru, it's real name is Hibiru, an ancient version of the word "Hebrew." Hibiru, it's believed, is the original home of the Hebrews. If this is correct then Earth will finally be liberated from the rule of the ancient gods (the planets) w
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Please take a look at the above link and wake up...
Read more…http://www.infowars.com/former-sen-mike-gravel-says-white-house-suppressing-evidence-of-ets/
Top Line
Even as most Americans wonde
Read more…http://www.ufostalker.com/ufostalker/Black+Triangle+Sighting+in+Amh... ................Confirms my experience in 1994!
Case Number | 45363 |
Log Number | US-01222013-0003 |
Date Submitted | 01/22/2013 02:11 UTC |
Date of the Event |
Chapter XII