As promised a short notice about the crystal skulls experience.
Well, some weeks ago, I came in contact with Sherry Whitfield. She is the caretaker of the ancient crystal skull Synergy.
And she sells little skulls that are uploaded by the programming of Synergy. (www.crystal-skull.com)
There is the saying that Synergy uploads all crystals + rocks that are in her presence.
And I have had the opportunity to touch Synergy, and it felt like wooden vessels floating though me from my hands to my shoulders.
Everyone who touched Synergy at that evening, has felt something different.
Sherry says the following about programmed crystal skulls:
Crystal skulls are tools of awareness. Although these exact words might not be universally used by each person, the concepts are solid. So, we can say that a properly carved skull can:
-Focus Energy
-Reflect Energy
-Refract Energy
-Amplify Energy
-Attune Energy
-Transmit Energy
-Transform Energy
-Store Energy
-and they may...Act as a Witness
If they can really do this, then Crystal Skulls are potentially very powerful tools of Spiritual Awareness.
Crystal skulls amplify energy. That is something anyone working with a crystal skulls knows and knows pretty quickly.
So... what do they amplify when you are working with one?
If you have no specific intent or thought of what you want when you are working with one, (or even when you are around one for very long) then they will tend to amplify the strongest underlying (and usually unresolved) emotional issue.
This could be great or you could feel uncomfortable.
You might feel emotional, overwhelmed... upset, anxious, peaceful, joyful, aggressive... any kind of emotion is possible.
They don't make you feel anything, they do amplify it.
Well, and this weekend, I went to a friend who also has 2 ‘programmed’ little skulls that help him during his shaman work. One little skull is in firestone and programmed by an ancient Indian skull, and another is in lava stone and programmed by the ancient skull of the London museum.
The one in fire stone helps him to distinguish the variation in the frequences of the sun rays,
The one in lava stone supports the iron and nickel in Mother Earth.
He has no prove of that, he experienced it during his shaman work.
And seemly, in the field, he does not take the little skull with him. He leaves it at home, but thinks about it, that his crystal skull is in his hand, and than he connects via that route with the ancient skull that programmed the little skull, and than he gets his information.When you keep your little programmed crystal skull in your hands with the face towards the world, it sends the energy from ‘above’ and ‘you’ to the world. When you keep the head of the skull in your hand and direct it to your body, it sends the energy (or information) of the outside world around you, to you.
Anyway, my friends opinion is that every ‘unprogrammed’ little skull that is programmed by an ancient skull can only bear one frequence. This means that a little skull can only be programmed by one ancient skull and that you cannot upload your little skull by all ancient skulls that are reacheable.
And he told me that it ‘deprogrammes’ slowly every time he keeps it into the sunlight.
Sherry, caretaker of Synergy, does not believe it and also is convinced that all ancient skulls once have had contact and might have shared their programms. She is a very special woman with a lot of knowledge and psychic abilities… I fear that normal devices are not suitable to reach this kind of skull technology……
Anyway, I have the feeling that lots of programms are in my crystal skull, and that it depends on my consciousness which programm becomes active… E.g.: when I ask the skull to become active for healing, that the programm that helps me with healing would become activated… When I would ask the skull to become active for restoring broken energy lines of the Earth, that that specific programm would become active, and so on…
But, I had hoped that it was measurable with a spectrometer… And that doesn’t seem to be the case…. A spectrometer measured the frequence of the skull in femaHertz… And we even tried with our group of people to activate my little skull for earth work…. But, the fluctuation of the frequence of the skull stayed between the same borders of before our request… And, among my friend, the frequence range of the fluctuation was the same and typical for a crystal that was deformed into a skull, apart from which stone or crystal substance. When you have a crystal skull, or a skull in lava stone, or a skull in rock stone, it all has a frequence between certain ranges… And those ranges are typical for the skull geometry of a skull… It doesn ‘t matter which stone or crystal the skull is made off…
And I couldn’t measure a significant difference of my activation of my programmed little skull with my consciousness…. At least, not with a spectrometer!
Well, the range was ‘flipping’ a lot (from 30 to 70 and otherwise), but it didn’t stay at a fixed number of the femaHertz. Among my friend, it can change also from day to day, because it is ‘alive’ among him. And, we putted all crystal skulls of him and me together, and the range difference fluctuation kept going on… (see picture). You also can see on the picture that the skulls are programmed for 80%. That was also the case when we first measured my skull apart from the others.
My friend told me that such a programmed little skull was like a little computer. That it connects you to the central server (= big ancient skull) and that you can get a certain programm that serves you at that moment. But, his experience also was that you do not get access to all information of he server… And that your computer/little skull transfers more information from you to the server, than you get from the server… So, the hypothesis might be true that the skulls are also here as a measuring device to collect information of our Earth + to transfer the information to ET’s or other dimensions…..
Well, I am following now a course to activate my lightbody. And I hope that I might find a connection between the lightbody and my little skull via this route.
I still don’t know in which way my programmed little skull will help me in my energy work for the Earth…. I’ll have to find out in the field after finishing my course with the shaman.
When I find out new stuff (measurable or not), I will let you know!
Any remarks, personal experiences, tips & tricks from you all are welcome!
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Crystal mining is starting to become a commercial market and probably interferring with mother earth not the way nature intended as I believe crystals are put on earth for us to use but I have a feeling that as crystals are now being rediscovered (our desperate attempt to connect with the basic gift mother nature has given us), ethical crystal mining may be a thing of the past and who knows what the effect of that will be. I treasure my crystalline friends with respect and pure intent and it works. Blessings to all.
my english are not very good, so i will try to write to you with simply words.
i have a skull. i didn't know that it could help me, because i thought that the energy and the informations are coming only from us, the people (what a selfish),
So one day i found my skull under the heating and i asked 'why is it down here',' i didn't put it her'. well after one week i found that the heating was damaged. from that day i take information and i think it is my best friend. lol
Possibly try a Shamanic journey into Earth, into a crystal cave, where you can meet crystals and a crystal Teacher Being to ask for guidance.
Ask the crystal being directly for teachings.
If you need clarification, keep asking for it until you feel clear.
Best wishes, Celina
That I didn't think of that myself!!!
I have never done an astral travelling without a shaman helping me to lay the field of higher vibrations from the lightbeings... That makes it more easy to travel in other dimensions.
You know what? I 'll do some attempts to do astral travelling on my own. But, first my light body.
And I 'll let you know how it went and what the results were! If I get results... Don 't know! Have to find out!
Next week!
I make a clear intention out loud then use a rattle and call in the 4 directions with their individual elements,[ East - Fire, South -Water, West-Earth, North-Air], their power animals and qualities,
Then the above [Sun, Moon, Star Nations], the Below Earth/Gaia], and the Centre [Great Mystery, Sacred Void] from Native American traditions.
... then I keep rattling -watching the crystalline dreaming body emitting from my navel and traveling to a sacred place
Yes, let me know how it goes and what method you use.
Usually, I perform the prayer in 7 directions from Jose Arguelles, quite similar to yours...
Anyway, I have experienced that I find out more higher energies from above when I ask it on a crossing of energy lines on the Earth.... I am on a course this weekend.... So, next week, I 'll perform it with also the 4 elements, as you said. We 'll see!!! Keep you updated! Thanks for the tip! The shaman stuff actually entered my life this year, so I haven 't got the experience of years.... And I still have to learn a lot about it! But, it goes very fluently.
Anyway, you have shaman roots.... Maybe you are also interested in the geo-energy work we perform? Recently I came in contact with a very special man, and other volunteers... We formed the Gira team to restore broken energy lines on the Earth in earthquake territories... I will mail you more about it when our website is online! Have no time now...
My work through the years has been in restoring interrupted flow in bodies, either human [shiatsu] or Earth, so your geo-energy work is of great interest.
Yes, do mail the website.
I am off to Mallorca Spain, tomorrow morning [4th Oct.] for 11 days to my retreat centre.,
There is no internet there as yet, but occasionally I check emails, so sorry if for the next few days responses are not immediate but your mails are appreciated.
Enjoy your course,
Best wishes to you Earthanimal!