Animals equalto people in my book :-) They are unconditional love, they are feeling
creatures and with instinct, just like humans, so total understanding
and communication is possible, they just do not speak in words like us,
but in images and feelings. I am a vegatarian too for 22 years now,
because I do not want to eat my friends and family, I want to hug them
and play with them :-)
Today I did a good deed; I reunited my blackbird couple, I have a male
named Jack Black :-) He found a new wife this year, they had 2 nests in
my garden, and then the wife Betty Brown became ill, she sat like dead
on the ground and when I fed her she did not eat, so I put her in a box,
she allowed it! And I called the animal ambulance, she was ill so they
took her to the bird sanctuary to tecover, she was there 5 days and I
made sure she would get back to Jack and me, because normally they set
them free when they are well, but she could never find her way home. I
could pick her up today, I released her in my garden en she flew
straight back to the nest. Then she and Jack flew together to me and
Jack let her eat, like a gentleman and he hopped to me, very close and
looke me straight in the eyes for a minute or two, with a thank you in
his eyes. I was so moved by this!!! Then they flew together to the nest!
A true happy ending :-)