Live Stream! 60 GeoEngineered Wildfire Storms in Northern California Out Of Nowhere – What Is Starting Them?
At 1 am last night 60 separate explosive fires like never before seen hit Sonoma and Napa Counties up to Mendocino County. Around 11:30 pm last night winds began to swirl out of nowhere. There was no weather event predicted or forecast.
At 1 am over 60 fires combusted but there was no lightning, and no warning. Mass evacuations in the middle of the night took place. many running out of gas heading West to the coast, since north 101 at Santa Rosa and East to Napa were on fire.
This is Geo TErrorism, as evidenced by Hurricanes Harvery, Irma and Maria and Nate and now fires from the sky in the middle of the night out of nowhere. Hurricane Harvey came at 1:30 am and was downgraded to tropical storm and then the dams were opened to “flush the toilet” Here in N. CA, it’s burn, baby burn….
Multiple big fires spread across Napa California. STATE OF EMERGENCY in CALIFORNIA In this video I show you Fires spreading across California all sparking overnight. When comparing the situation to the Meteorite that caused the White Mountain Fire in New Hampshire and comparing it to Web site
We may very well be seeing a Meteor shower which is producing Meteorites that can in fact cause fires. I will be watching this close as things develop. ALSO we Officially say Hi to Tropical Storm Ophelia in the Atlantic, aI s of now no threat to the US, and the first major winter storm Aiden rolls over Denver CO.
my gut says it's antifa