In math there is the subject of numerical analysis trying to find approximations for more or less complicated functions. This is a very interesting topic.
Common examples are so called Monte Carlo methods for approximate calculations of contents, or Simpson`s rule.
Other examples are using polynomes and so called cubic Spline functions.
If you are interested in such stuff, you will find lots of infos in the net.
Rule of thumb living is very common in application affairs, because it is simple and is delivering good results, good enough for working. How you get the fitting thread in a drilling hole? Rule by thumb says drilling hole = thread x 0,8.
I am looking for rules of thumb in spiritual life. Now I do not simply consider spirituality in technical terms, but approximations in technics should also lead to approximation thoughts in real life.
The beauty of any approximation lies in it`s working without exactly knowing why - it simply works. Here are some examples I think are good rules of thumb.
# The harder you look, the lesser you see.
# I`s not about getting much, but about letting much go.
# The more you know, the more you forget.
# Even hard stone is cut slowly by soft water.
# We are asked on our being, not our having.
# Blessed are the meek ones, for they will inherit the earth.
Well, I think you know what I mean - rules of thumb being as simple as possible. You might have your own.
Heaven is not anywhere beyond space and time, but everywhere God is present...