Al Sharpton uses fake science props to educate right-wing global warming deniers


Al Sharpton uses fake science props to educate right-wing global warming deniers
Al Sharpton uses fake science props to educate right-wing global warming deniers

Click for the video of Al Sharpton (in his white coat) claiming the UN is correct about humans causing global warming.

January 4, 2014

Rev. Al Sharpton welcomed viewers to his first "Politics Nation: Science Lab" of the new year, which he premiered Jan. 3, 2013  on MSNBC to educate global warming deniers.  His show debuted amid a blast from a wintery Mother Nature that was battering much of the country and much ado over climate scientists stranded in ice.

Related: Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" on sale -- for a penny! -- as Drudge Report snow-trolls global warming

Before the show aired, over on Fox News, the anchor of "Varney and Company"  told his viewers, "It looks to me like we are looking at global cooling; forget this global warming."  However, Sharpton wasn't the global warming supporter offended by deniers, already Matt Drudge of the Drudge Report had been accused by an MSNBC host, Chris Hayes, of deliberately trolling snow stories to incite right wing viewers to mock the scientifically proven idea of global warming.

Now Sharpton donned a lab coat to walk naysayers through his scientific evidence that the planet is warming no matter how many minus marks marks freezing temperatures. His faux lab set included prop beakers which suspiciously appeared to be boiling over with combinations of dry ice and food coloring. Still, Sharpton professored on.

"Right wingers are boiling over with denial," exclaimed Sharpton, adding , "Just because it snows in winter doesn't mean the planet isn't getting any warmer. Remember a UN panel  said there was a 90 percent probability that humans were the cause of global warming."

The UN panel Sharpton referenced is known as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an organization which shared the Nobel Peace Award with Al Gore in 2007.  Sharpton failed to disclose that scientific critics of the IPCC had found the organization had issued misleading reports based upon unscientific methods.

As a result,  IPCC lost much of its public credibility after the particularly humiliating error about Himalayan ice-melt in its 2007 report  was exposed. That embarrassment was compounded  in 2010, when a review followed the devastating proof that  IPCC’s  2007  climate change report was based upon exaggerated and false claims that Himalayan glaciers could melt by 2035. Citing "little evidence" to back up global warming,  a  damning  review by the Inter Academy Council (IAC) of the IPCC global warmings findings were astonishingly harsh. The report accused IPPC of manipulation of facts to fit their goals, "of highlighting  negative impacts of climate change and making these  'substantive findings' based on little proof."

Then in 2013, the IPCC was forced to correct its carbon numbers, revising downward. Still, in spite of IPCC's record of erroneous findings,  overall, carbon budgets are never diminished. Right on message, Bob Ward, of the London School of Economics, stated: "Climate change ‘skeptics' will no doubt desperately seize on these corrections and falsely allege that it undermines the whole report, but the public and policy-makers should not be fooled by such claims."

To provide a reality check for naysayers of climate change, IPCC might be considered by his target audience as the worst source Sharpton could possibly have pulled from the pocket of his lab costume. The controversy over IPCC findings are often used by naysayers to debunk climate change by merely pointing to its record of inaccuracies.

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