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Chapter XII
It's not a real petition. The guy is just showing how brain dead people have become. He has done this for many of our constitutional rights and people just sign away. Why because they want to appear to be helpful, They want to appear to be compassionate. They want to think of themselves as good people. But of course they are totally asleep. Sleep walking through life. They go to work, eat, poop, pee, and gather stress come home and do the same after they turn on the TV and turn off their brains, because they just know that the TV will relieve that stress like any good drug will. They tell themselves that the TV isn't affecting them, that it's just cheap entertainment. Then they go out in the sunshine and breathe that polluted air and they don't feel right, they know at some deep down level something is wrong, very, very wrong. But they haven't quite figured it out yet, and they just want to feel better about themselves. Want to make it all right, so go ahead and sign the petition. It won't hurt! Maybe the next one will be something about your daughters right to pick her own husband, but the language will be something different. Something like "We believe girls are getting married too soon and we have the solution. Sign here. Ok, Yup, yup, we're going to the zoo and then we're going to Hong Kong. Yup, Yup, Yup.....................................
True observation, but look at how well this strategy works with defining carbon dioxide as a pollutant that causes "human caused" global warming (for which we must pay a carbon credit tax to save the planet), despite the record low temperatures we are witnessing (and winter isn't even halfway over yet!!!)
Note that I listed this in "Humor and Playground," but the fact that people are this stupid with bullsh!t presented proposals is very worrisome.
maybe they haven't read the wording of the bill-next thing they know the Infantry bivouacs in the den-maybe people are worried about the swell of Mexicans and central americans who live under strong men and gangsters-picking through garbage heaps down there with a baby in arms and one in tow- condems-I forgot about the violent drug cartels
good thing this petition just gathered "few" signatures not enough to pass this. I have a feeling , only military families , living in and around san diego signed this.....
Good point, but if anyone is willing to seek out others to repeal one part of the Constitution under the disguise of "good intentions," who's to say they won't try this same strategy to repeal other parts (i.e. Freedom of Speech)?