
  • Karl Marx for intro that is balanced and factual, free of the capitalist frenzy instilled in most uneducated Americans, who have no clue about this historical figure and just believe what they are brainwashed to their "bosses."

    • Drexk-I'm sure if you say it it's true-have read it only once ages ago and was bored to tears(as a youngster most of it went over my head) but as you know the useful idiots adopted as a religious belief and the self appointed elites used it to grab the government away from the effete, corrupted aristocracy-this is what Americans basically see-in public schools in the 60's and 70's we were told (cold war) that marxism was evil and a tool for oppression-maybe I'll read it online tonight-a little

      • Yes, some of the principals are sound and offer solutions to the current crisis of capitalism....

        • DREKX: Karl Marx never really offered direct solutions; he wrote that capitalism would destroy itself via "seeds of it's own destruction" (Das Kapital, 1867). Also note that most of the "solutions" proposed by Marx in the Communist Manifesto were destructive theories that would facilitate uprisings of workers in social systems (i.e. Belgium) with no middle class or protection of human resources engaged in labor.

          I've always wondered what Karl Marx did for money; he reportedly never had a real job (and hence was probably under financial support from another).

          I would have more respect for Karl Marx if he actually handled a pick-ax or a hammer and actually worked. This is in opposition with trying to initiate destructive change via communications to those who actually handled a pick-ax and hammer.

          "But when you talk about destruction, don't you know you can count me out" - John Lennon    

          • Indeed, the current crisis of capitalism is clearly in it's most self-destructive phase, as it runs out of resources to exploit, destroys the environment and people, suffers a systemic failure and so creates multiple conflicts and war campaigns around the world, all leading to potential world war, if unchecked...

            It should be modified, as no longer fit for purpose....The ascended masters suggest a new system, based upon sharing of resources, more equally, in which socialism and a planned economy, plays a greater role......They suggest that some entrepreneurial zeal should be added to the mix, making the new system 70% socialist and 30% capitalist...

            As for Karl Marx himself....He was an intellectual, but did not run a business, nor own vast wealth, with which to gain advantage, rather his friend Engels provided Marx with funds, which freed him from having to work for a living...Freed from the daily grind and blind, he was able to focus his mind on his good works...

            Engels' family business was based in Manchester...He was a rich man, though sought a better world for all....and was happy to work with Marx towards that goal...

            I was brought up myself, in Hampstead, London....Marx's grave is in Highgate cemetery, not far away from my old home... ;-)


  • Of course, the video is a spoof to demonstrate the US public's ignorance of Karl Marx, BUT, all for the wrong reasons...The arrogance of some in America to suppose that Marx was all bad, is merely a sign of how brainwashed they have become, by the capitalist corporation mind-set of America.....People can learn much from Marx and they can learn that Marxism is not only free of evil, but it is actually a sound method by which humanity can be liberated from the many social and economic illusions forced upon them, by a lofty and heartless class of exploiters....
    See this superior vid below, to get a better understanding of Marx, free from American corporate propaganda, blatant stupidity and cultural disinfo..

    • DREKX: Karl Marx advocated a theory of destruction of society in it's capitalist model and replacing it with a communist model. Any idiot can be a destroyer, but it takes someone with real inspiration and sweat to be someone who can promote social healing and allow benefits to manifest via freedom (which is not possible under a communist system since some people are "more equal" than others)..  

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