Look at Me! I'm an ET!











Ok, I had to get that out. I'm just getting a little tired of all these ego complexes running around

claiming to be oh so important and the most vital figure in this grand ascension theme sent here with this holy mission to save humanity.


Oh well hey, you probably were, but so was almost every other soul with ET origin. Good, now we're on the same page. I'm just kind of bemused by all of this, if you can take a step back and check things out from my perspective.


I mean, what's ascension mean for humanity? It means within two years, we transcend our lower

vibrational selves and step into our higher wisdom / vibrations and become christed beings, right?

So why is it so much cooler and more important to label yourself as an ET rather than a Terran?


I mean, if I was going to adopt a messiah complex i'd much preffer to be an ascended Terran from the near future rather than your average joe blow ET from some spiritual heirachy. It makes more sense to me.

What i'm really getting at is when we come into our spirituality we get so wrapped up in our 'ET' identity and who we were before we were Terran. We completely neglect how awesome the Terran is in it's own right.


I mean the Terran body isn't just one type of being, it's 22 different beings in one.

I don't care if you're reading this and you're a starseed going "But I AM an alien, I came from xxx planet!" You're still Terran because you incarnated here and you're in human embodiment, leant from Mother Earth. So which life are you living? Then or Now?

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  • yes this really is true, I guess the life we incarnated as, as should we be thankfull and greatfull for it.
  • very good point to be made and i amuze myself with these thinking egos to why thy exist. why is it brought out in this kind of poeoples who are to be helping transcend the ego. I believe this to just be a part of starseeds waking up. the ego comes out and eventually we have to deal with it and transcend back to our ascended states. we have begun to understand our past and what characteristics were a part of our past. we might tend to label ourselves as existing in the past but thats probably only cause we are working on connecting to our ascended selves. who wants to be an extra anyways. Be a part of the whole. I thank the mother almost every day for holding me in this body to help lost souls recieve the light. one of my biggest tasks in life was and is the transendance of my egoic hold on space and time. i am not my body or my manifestations. god is me and i release myself to his love. i have been many places/ planets and dimensions and in all this time have discovered this now is where i always am. i feel that by opening the past we can begin to see our future more clearly and bring the two together in peace. I probably won't be here on earth for a short time after my ascension. I want to reunite with my energeniticaly connected star family. i do admit we must live in the now to acomplish bringing love to this dimension of reality. This is of the upmost importance and i thank you for your reminding grace. The ego is an odd thing..like a magnet.... may blessings of light be with you . Bliss is breezing our way:) no extras please!
  • Great post.

    Much love :-)
  • Thanks so much Eagle, you are so kind, it's very appreciated :)
  • Yes, something inspired me to post that, I've been thinking of Dune lately as well. It's such a profound movie! :)

    Glad it sent you some good goose-bumps Wild :-D
  • Great message!

    I'm me, and for the past 50+ years, as far as I know, I have been, and still am me.
    Does that make me more important than others?
    It depends who you ask, in my sons eyes, I'm the most important person alive, in my eyes, I'm important (can't remember why lol).
    Did I come from the stars?
    I hope so, I spend so much time sitting staring at the night skies, but more importantly, will I go to the starts?
    I sincerely hope so!
    I don't think I'm an ET, hang on, I'll go check in the mirror, No, same hairy beast staring back at me, I'm still me!

    I think I'm a cross between big foot and the missing link! Haha
  • I haven't heard many people on this site or any other spiritual site say they are more imporant than anyone else, however I think it's easy to inject that rationale when looking at a people who talk about a "mission" or a "purpose". I think any being has a tendancy to draw that from the spiritual awakening that's happening, and yes I definitely believe it's an "awakening".

    People can drive their ego's in many different ways, it doesn't just come from thinking you're an enlightened being, it's comes from a false sense of ego from anything and applying it to who you are.

    The real truth is that we are all created equal, and it's the decisions we make in this life that set us a part from our fellow humans here in planet Earth. I would be lying if I didn't think we have cosmic DNA within us, and therefore I think we are all probably "messiah's" in a sense.


    That doesn't mean anyone is better than anyone else - we are all in this together and compassion and meeting each other "Equally" without boundaries and judgement is what will create a deeper connection between us all.

    To me it's really about showing compassion and making a deeper connection with people I am drawn to.... :)
    • Had to add this: :-)

      Without Change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken. - DUNE

  • You are so right, Eiskel! I lived at Shasta in N. CA for 2 years(2000-2002), and lots of people had adopted names like Amen Ra, or Swan, or Swan, or Thoth. At any given time, there were at least three diffewrent Saint Germains in town. On of them lived in the apartment next to me! The most real and spiritual people, in my opinion, has names like Fred, Bill, Dave, Bob, Steve, Frank, Tom, Kathy, Sue, Mary, Debbie......you get the picture. But, really, you know, its ok with me if someone feels like changing their name to anything they want, I may even do it myself, someday. No harm in it, usually. Theyr'e the one who has to deal with society's reaction when you call yourself a "special" being with a message from God. A few, centuries ago, announce that and the locals started gathering firewood. I hope wev'e gotten past that.
    • Understand what you're saying John, although I don't believe just because a person takes on a different name it means they think they are better than anyone else. :) I respect people's wishes in their name changes, I know that on the internet people generally take on a different name as well...

      However I do see your point :)
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