A new apparatus having the mass of an old VW Beetle landed on Mars looking for traces of life. Right besides a crater there is a heap of sediments they want to have a look.
Last weekend an old friend was with me and stayed for two nights breaking my self chosen silence. Saturday we ended up in a bad stylish pub crowded with loud party people. We both felt a bit misplaced in here, but it was ok. Girls with cheap sequin dresses and tattoos on their shoulders had big glasses of beer and schnaps. They were mad when the song played:
When we got home early in the morning we looked each other and laughed long and loud. What have we done there and what have we looked for? Wasn`t that a highly unfitting place for guys like us? Almost grandfathers? Randy old ramshackle men among hot young chicks and drunken dudes?
Like the apparatus on Mars, we were looking for life, but different. The VW Beetle device has a physico-chemical view, and we old guys followed the esse est percipi principle - being is getting perceived. Yes, we looked for getting perceived, and maybe someone is ready to have a nice and exciting talk...
It didn`t really work at this place. But we were not complaining, all was fine. The barmaid had silly glitz around her neck and in her hair, but was the one talking with us, which was really funny.
I`m still thinking today of this experience. What does it mean looking for life? It means all. It is chemistry and beyond. It is science and psychology. It is appearance and essence. It is finally reason to expose ourselves.
When you are born into this world, one day you will find yourself like thrown into this world. You find yourself amongst appearances and happenings which you hardly combine with yourself. The other is the strange one. You believe you have to bear up against the other one. And you believe you must force yourself getting perceived, because by perceiving one gets a face among a mass of different beings.
Maybe there comes a time you look through the game. You get awaken and see that this is only one side of the coin. Maybe you become aware that all has to do with you, and many appearances of strange things rising within you in relation to others tell things about you rather than about the other one. Thus the other one you begin to acknowledge as mirror to you, he is revealing you what is within you.
This is the starting point any consideration on goodness and compassion makes sense.
Such virtues like goodness, compassion and empathy are not culturized virtues a culturized human has, like many thought. An example is Weimar in Germany. This was a place deeply dedicated to mind, spirit and culture. Goethe and Schiller lived there and left an aura of the holy in this place. And a couple kilometer the "culturized people" established Buchenwald...
Neither are those virtues instrumentalized ones some develop in order to get or achieve something.
In fact, goodness, compassion and empathy directly come from awareness and the ability to look through the game, these are virtues of conscience. And they are to only virtues that prove someone is awaken.
A mind of insulting others, of assertiveness, of disrespect and forgetting goodness is definitely not awaken. And if you are honest, you can not deny that...
I believe it makes no sense demanding goodness and compassion from others. It will change nothing. Only when you understand human`s long way to see and get aware, only then you may feel the true basics of all enlightment talks in spiritual communities, which is goodness, compassion and empathy.
And that includes even simple and drunken people in dirty and fucked up bars, that includes even stupid and evil acting people. The question is not what is with them, the question is always what is with you. Do you understand goodness, compassion and empathy?
I ask for gentle consideration...