Lord Ashtar and his team of the Galactic Federation and the 144,000 Ascended Masters -
Task of September 23rd 2010 -
Downloading of 59 Love Crystals - Completion
12 noon Alaska time.

I/We shall intend to align our energies to 12 noon Alaska time, September 23rd 2010

I/We shall intend to align ourselves with all those who are wishing to participate energetically and those who will give their intent to be part of this task, we intend to align with them through our divine 3 fold flame higher heart chakra to their divine 3 fold flame higher heart chakra and from our divine crown chakra to their divine crown chakra through the rainbow ray bridge of divinity for the power of this task, so mote it be. In this way we work as group heart and group mind.

I/We shall intend aligning and attuning our divine energies with most precious Ishkea the Universal Christos and his twin flame most precious Auleta who is the mother of Venus.

I/We shall intend aligning and attuning our divine energies with the Divine Ones of the 1024 Shamballa Attunement Group that I facilitate headed by: most precious Lord AA Metatron, most precious Lord AA Michael and most precious Lord Melchizedek, made up as follows:

AA Metatron, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Maitreya, Lord Soltec, God ThothHorRA, Lord Saint Germain, Lord Ishtar, Lord Kuthumi/AA Agrippa, Lord Sanat Kumara, Lord El Morya, Lord Sananda, Goddess Nina of Andromeda, Mother Mary, Mother Gaia, AA Michael, Mary Magdalene, Lord Atrum, Lord Zarei, Mother Sehkmet, Mother Venus, Lord Merlin, Lord Alcyone, Lord Posiedon, Lord Hatonn, AA Sandalphon, The Melchizedek Order of Light/Brotherhood of Light, Mahatma Energy Group, precious Arcturians, precious Lemurians, Ancient Ones of Light - precious Pleadians, precious Andromedans, precious Sirians and the Blue Star Rigel, Orion and the full spectrum of the Rainbow Rays of Divinity.

And anyone else you may wish to align with.

I/We shall intend aligning our energies with all the precious Ascended Masters who are part of the project of the downloading of the balance of 59 Love Crystals onto Mother Earth bringing it all to a total of 72 love crystals. (13 love crystals were previously downloaded during a task of October 6th 2008 and 2nd task of November 22nd 2008).

I/We shall intend aligning and attuning our divine energies with most precious Lord Ashtar of the Galactic Federation and his team assisting with this planetary project.

I/We shall intend aligning and attuning our divine energies with precious Mother Earth.

I/We shall intend aligning and attuning our divine energies to most precious God ThothHorRA overseer of this project. This is his new energetic signature as one of the Masters of the New Earth.

I shall also activate my alignment and attunement with my precious crystalline/mineral/rock/stones/elemental/deva and dragon brothers and sisters residing with me (the dragon ones are in the energy of stones, mostly various jade). Should you also wish to align your energies with crystals residing with you.

I/We shall intend to align and attune our energies with the 13 Love crystals already downloaded on Mother Earth (places are named below).

I/We shall intend to align and attune our energies with the 59 Love crystals to be downloaded onto Mother Earth.

I/We shall intend to align and attune our energies to the 7 Venus temples situated on Mother Earth, will name them below.

I/We shall intend to align and attune ourselves with the 24 pointed star grid etheric construction made up of the 12th dimensional pink ray diamond frequencies made up of the energies of the Universal Christos Ishkea and his twin flame Auleta which was co-created during the previous task of the downloading of the Love Crystals in 2008.

I/We shall intend to align and attune ourselves with precious Gulgotha (meaning skull in Hebrew) it is a skull hill in East Jerusalem at a place called the Garden Tomb. This is the place also where the Romans would hang people on the cross and so precious Gulgotha (skull hill) has seen much suffering in her life time. It is said that the crystal skulls follow the path of Gulgotha and Guylgotha's path is Transformation and Illumination of the species, that being us.

I/We shall now intend to align and attune ourselves to the rose quartz pink ray piller of light and divine love in the core of Mother Earth that was also co-created in the previous task of the downloading of the Love Crystals in 2008. We had tied the love crystals to the rose quartz pink ray pillar of light. We do this through intent, we catch one love crystal and tie it in the infinity form i.e. in a figure 8 to the rose quartz pink ray piller of light, each crystal gets tied 9 times, and then one moves on to the next crystal.

So one can envision the task to look like this, a 24 pointed star grid etheric construction as an umbrealla which is then connected to Gulgotha being the capstone which is connected to the rose quartz pink ray pillar of light. At arms length on the piller was and is the connection of the 7 Venus temples, so they are tied to the pillar and further down the pillar we tied the Love Crystals and so one can see that as feet on the pillar, except now it will be many many feet as there will be a total of 72 Love Crystals.

The balance of the Love Crystals 59 of them are going to be downloaded simultaneously at the following places and so I/We shall intend the anchoring and grounding and locking in of the Love crystals at:

Bankok, Thailand
Jakarta, Indonesia,
Manilla, Philippines
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
P'yongyang, North Korea
Kabul, Afghanistan
Freetown, Sierra leone, West Africa
Khartoun, Sudan
Mogadishu, Somalia
Addis Ababa, Etheopia
Kinshasa, Republic of Congo
Luanda, Angola
Cape Town, South Africa
Tehran, Iran
Baghdad, Iraq
Damascus, Syria
Moscow, Russia
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Warsaw, Poland
Budapest, Hungary
Belgrade, Serbia
Prague, Czech Republic
Athens, Greece
Tirana, Albania
Zagreb, Croatia
Bucharest, Romania
Istanbul, Turkey
Madrid, Spain
Berlin, Germany
Paris, France
Amsterdam, Holland
Zurich, Switzerland
Inverness, Scotland
London, U.K.
Stockholm, Sweden
Tromso, Norway
Copenhagen, Denmark
Monterrey, Mexico
Vancouver, Canada
Gakona, Alaska
Havana, Cuba
Port au Prince, Haiti
Managua, Nicaragua
Bogota, Colombia
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Buenos Airies, Argentina
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Perth, Australia
Sydney, Australia
Christchurch, New Zealand
Cairo, Egypt
Sofia, Bulgaria
Maui, Hawaai
La Paz, Bolivia
Hanoi, Vietnam
Bangladesh, India
Hong Kong

I/We shall then wait a bit and then I/We will intend that the Love Crystals are tied with light 9 times in the infinity form to the rose quartz pink ray pillar in the core of Mother Earth in full and total power now, so mote it be.

I shall be asking my etheric partner whom I call Lord Calchelsite who is a Rock of the Ages stone, an Ancient One and also the 1st Star of the New Earth, I also call him Cosmic Deva, so I ask him and together with his assistants they tie the energetic constructions and here it will be the Love crystals to the rose quartz pink ray pillar, this especially i ask when there are so many of them to be tied, in this case 59 of them, and so when he advises that it is all completed, then

I/We intend that it is all activated in full and total power now, so mote it be

I/We shall intend that these divine energies be woven into the fabric of our existence and into the matrixes surrounding Mother earth, as well as throughout all time constructs, all dimensions, paralel dimensions and throughout the ethers and that the frequencies of these precious Love crystals and their divine song continuously pulse throughout the ethers and the fabric of our existence and the all that is that we are in order that all will stand in their own full power to be their authentic self and that all will come to acknowledge and embrace the divinity within that we are, bringing forth the truth that we are indeed all One of the One Heart, so mote it be. And as such another beautiful octave is added in the divine heavenly symphony of our reality.

I/We shall now intend that that is all activated in full and total power now, so mote it be.

I/We shall qualify it all to be eternally and permanently sustained, so mote it be.

I shall then seal it all in with the divine conglomerate energetic vibrational signature stamp i.e. the vibrational signature of the Divine Ones and state so mote it be.

We shall state our love and grattitude to the divine Universal Christos Ishkea and his divine twinflame Auleta and to the precious Ascended Masters and to precious Lord Ashtar and his team, to precious Mother Earth, to the precious Divine Ones, to precious God ThothHorRA, to precious Gulgotha, to the precious Love Crystals, to the precious Venus Temples, to the precious Rose Quartz pink ray pillar and to all those who participated in this task and to all our crystalline/mineral/rock/stone/elemental/deva and dragon brothers and sisters.

And so it is.

Previous downloading of the Love Crystals were as follows:
Mt. kailash, Tibet
Kashmir, border of India and Pakistan
Rome, Italy
Beijing, China
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Gulgotha/Garden of the Tomb, East jerusalem, Israel
Mooi River, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa
Denali (Mt. mcKinlley), Alaska
Uluru (Ayers Rock) Australia
Mt. Fuji, Japan
Kiev, Ukraine, Russia
Washington D.C., U.S.A.

Thoth on the Temples of Venus
These temples are the wombs containing what could be called "Seeds of Light" for an Age soon upon us, when Venus, our Sister and Guardian in this solar system will aid us in our transition into the New Earth Star. This process has indeed already begun!

Location of the Venus Temples and their keynotes
1) A'RATU - TEMPLE OF THE GOLDEN FLAME on the slope of Mt. Ararat, Turkey - (active) holding the codes of the First Principle - the WORD, LOGOS OF THE SEED. GOLDEN FLAME.



4) RUHA'KEESH - TEMPLE OF THE RUBY FIRE - The one in Sedona (active) is the Path of QUALIFYING THE NATURE OF THE DIVINE FEMININE. It is the RUBY FIRE....the burning away of all dross to see the true form.



7) OWII'NEMAKA - TEMPLE OF THE GEM BODY - Kaua'i (underneath the San Marga Monastery grounds) - a Lemurian Venus Temple (re-activated 2/04 - 2/16 07) - PRIMA MATRA - FIRST MATTER ARISEN TO THE NEW OCTAVE - EMERALD FLAME.

According to my Thothic transmissions on 11/05/06, Mount Kailash in Tibet "is the place of triggering the infusion of the rays of Mazuriel into the earth. Thus, it is the point that will bring together and prepare the Temples of Venus.

If you see the roil point of the planet (Hawaii) and the Mazuriel point (Mount Kailash), you will find that they communicate...the former brings quickens the center of the earth and the later opens the stargate of Mazuriel to flood into the earth."
For every Temple of Venus node in the "Old Earth" so there is a correspondent Venus Temple node in the New Earth Star of Numis'OM.

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  • This is a view from Jerusalem taken in April 1937, by my late father !
  • Hi there precious Jason, many thanks for posting this, i tried to do it yesterday but was unable to. Herewith the first email that went out. Embracing all in Pure White Source Light, Fredaricka

    Hi everyone, we are having an amazing co-creation love celebration, the downloading of 59 Love Crystals onto Mother Earth together with precious Lord Ashtar and his team of the Galactic Federation and the precious Ascended Masters of Light, Below is the latest email from most precious Lord Ashtar through Comdr. Mari-el Novios, below that I have two emails from this task that we undertook in 2008 and also the original channeling that came forth for this task. I will post separately the actual task and we are hoping that you will wish to join us either physically or energetically, please note that this task can be done outside space and time as we know it i.e. for those wishing to sit at different times or even for those who will come to read it afterwards and will still wish to join/participate, it is just through our intent that we state the name of the project and the day and the time that it will then slip us into that time and space, as most precious Lord Ashtar calls it jumping time. Also will be forwarding separately excerpts of channels referring to the Love Crystals by most precious Lord Kuthumi through his channel Chanel Lingenfelder who is part of the team of Michelle Eloff whom many of us know. Hoping you will wish to join us in this most wonderful planetary task. Also at the very bottom regarding this special day of September 23rd 2010 a Heaven on Earth day. Embracing all in Pure White Source Light, Fredaricka together with Cmdr. Mari-el Novois

    September 18, 2010

    Received by Cmdr. Mari-el Novios


    GREETINGS Beloved Lightworkers ALL!

    It is Commander Ashtar here!

    I come to greet each and all of you and to join my energies with all of you today in solidarity and support, as we all prepare together to act in TEAMwork for the upcoming task of September 23, 2010…..the downloading of a large number of new components into the LOVE Crystal network. As some of you know, the original components of this network were brought to planet earth in your year of 2008, in two separate events. Some of you reading my message today were indeed part of the coordinated team effort then to bring those crystals from the etherian realms into the dimensions and into the actual physical vibration of planet earth. At those times in 2008, in two separate downloads, we together succeeded in bringing down 13 of these energy constructs called LOVE Crystals, which, upon coming into the vibration of earth, themselves densified into actual physical crystals as they were implanted into the selected locations upon the planet earth.

    Shortly after their downloading onto earth, these beautiful and powerful crystals were tied energetically into a network through the combined efforts of those of you there earth-embodied and the many of us here in the etherian realms who were all a part of this cooperative project. Since that time, this LOVE Crystal network has been strengthened and gradually brought to fuller and fuller power, as the full power could not be immediately implemented after the downloading. It was necessary for this power to be “brought online,” so to speak, in a gradual manner in order to not “blow any circuits” by a too-quick “blast” of the power of this PURE LOVE VIBRATION! (although getting “blasted” by PURE LOVE might not be such a bad thing at all, eh?)

    Here I wish to mention that, in addition to the original 13 LOVE Crystals downloaded in 2008, we keep here onboard two ships of the Ashtar Command two Master Crystals, through which the activity of the LOVE Crystal Network on earth is monitored and strengthened. These Master Crystals are kept onboard the Rainbow, which is my personal home ship and onboard the Phoenix, which is the great ship of the Scientific Division of the Ashtar Command from which all Scientific Division tasks and activities are coordinated and monitored. So, counting these two onboard Master Crystals, the original LOVE Crystal Network consists of a total of 15 crystals.

    Now, we have perceived that it is time to add 59 more LOVE Crystals into the network upon the earth. It is these 59 additional crystals which we of the Galactic Federation, in conjunction with many of the Ascended Masters of planet Earth, will be bringing to Earth on Thursday, September 23, 2010. This task is to be coordinated to 12 noon Alaska time, which corresponds to 1:00 p.m. Pacific time and 4:00 p.m. Eastern time in the United States. For those of you living in many countries of the Earth, please coordinate your participation time to correspond with this time. However, in the event that you cannot participate with us in “real time,” we welcome your participation at whatever time is available to you. Simply, set your INTENT to jump forward or backward in time to be present at the time the activity is taking place.

    I ask all of you to participate by visualizing our ships coming down into the earth dimension at any or all of the locations given and by saying the invocations and prayers for our protection as we accomplish this task and our safe return into the etherian realms once the task is accomplished. It is my understanding that our magnificent “Task Coordinator” Beloved Fredaricka will be sending to all of you the locations for these new crystals, as well as the prayers and invocations which we asked to be used in 2008, which will be used again for this task of 9/23/2010.

    Here, I wish to extend my deepest personal gratitude, as well as the gratitude of the entire Galactic Federation and the Ascended Masters of Earth, to those dedicated and devoted among our earth-embodied Lightworkers who have served as channels and networkers in getting this information out to all of you who are now reading this.

    I also send my thanks to those of you reading this who will forward it, WITH DISCERNMENT, to other Lightworkers who may wish to participate with us. I emphasize discernment because this exercise has the potential to pose actual risk to those of us coming down from the ships if we are greeted by those not aligned with the Light, those of the earth who would not wish us success in this endeavor. It is because of this potential risk that we have asked all of you to join in prayers, invocations and intent for the safety of all involved in this sacred mission.

    I also invite any of you who remember how to travel out to the ships to do so and join with us in this mission from our ship level if you so desire. I do realize that not all of you, even though you may have come from these levels, have a conscious memory of how to travel back out here, either physically or by moving your consciousness into your etherian body at ship level. However, for those of you who do, you are invited to participate with us from ship level if you wish. To those of you who wish to participate in this way, please telepath to us that you wish to do so and also if there is a particular download location from among the 59 where you would like to participate. As they would say in your earth jargon, “Get your tickets now! Seats are going fast!”

    So, Beloveds, I and my Brothers and Sisters of the Galactic Federation so very much look forward to participating with you in this exciting task and mission!!!

    If you have questions or need any clarifying information, I am taking the liberty to offer both Beloved Fredaricka and this channel Beloved Cmdr. Mari-el as earth-embodied sources. Please e-mail either or both of them with any questions.

    Thank you for giving of your time to read my message today and to participate with us as a Team of Light and Love on September 23rd!

    I AM Yours in Love and Service,

    Cmdr. Lord Ashtar

    Some of the previous mail from the net.


    Commander Lord Ashtar through Commander Mari-el Novios

    Ashtar Galactic Command

    Protection is invoked around this message and its networking and around all Beings of Light involved in this Joyful and Most Significant Endeavor.

    Greetings in the Light of the Most Radiant One!

    It is Ashtar here and I come with Master So Ma to bring you most joyful news!

    Some of you reading this have participated in the bringing to Earth on October 6, 2008 of 7 magnificent and powerful LOVE crystals. For this highly successful “mission accomplished,” we and all the Ascended Masters of Earth and of the airborne divisions of the Great White Brotherhood salute you, Brave Earth-Embodied Beings of Light!

    I also wish to acknowledge and thank the channels who brought forth that information prior to that mission and who are once again bringing through and networking the information on this most exciting Phase 2 of the LOVE crystals project.

    On November 22, 2008, those of us who brought down 7 LOVE crystals on October 6, 2008 will again be densifying a number of our lightships to come into the atmosphere and dimension of Earth. This time, we shall be bringing down 6 more LOVE crystals!

    This channel just asked me why I am capitalizing all the letters in the word LOVE as I write this message through her. Well, I just love to write LOVE! Just thought you might like to know! J

    With particular THANKS to Beloved Fredaricka Yarom, I am asking that this message of mine be networked together with that which she has just sent out, as her information is accurate and the two messages together will give what you need to know to participate in Phase 2 of the LOVE crystal download.

    One of my favorite of your Earth sayings is, “Let’s not reinvent the wheel.” I apply this to re-channeling a message someone has already received accurately, either from myself or from another of the Masters who has sent through particular information. So, my purpose in this message is to confirm all of what Fredaricka has received and to elaborate just a bit on that message as well.

    As in Phase 1, from the etherian realms, we shall be bringing these LOVE crystals, which are actually an energetic construct created in the Higher Dimensions of the etherian lightships. As we densify our ships and our own Beings sufficiently to bring these LOVE crystals into the dimension of Earth, the LOVE crystals will densify as well. Were you to see these crystals as we unload them from our ships in order to place them into the Earth, you might think them to be made of rose quartz laced through with DNA-like spirals of shimmering gold light/energy. These crystals are several feet in height, very thick and double terminated.

    As with the previously placed LOVE crystals, these crystals can carry and transmit ONLY the vibration of love. By intent, as we deliver and implant these 6 crystals on 11/22/08, we shall be linking them energetically with the 7 crystals put in place on 10/6/08. I ask that those of you working with us would also make strong INTENT for this linking to take place.

    The 6 locations given in Fredaricka’s message are accurate. As with Phase 1, I ask that you network and share this information, particularly the locations, only with those you intuitively know can be trusted to help and not hinder this mission in any way. As with Phase 1, from our realms we are invoking the strongest protective energy, to ensure the safety of our ships and crews and all of the Masters as this most important mission is carried out. And we are also invoking that protective energy around those of you who will be linking with us and assisting us.

    If you are able to link with us in “real time,” so to speak, we shall be accomplishing this task coordinated to 12 noon Alaska time on 11/22/08. Note that noon Alaska time is also 1:00 p.m. California time, 4:00 p.m. New York time, etc. The channel suggested we also give California and New York time for those of you who might be wondering, “Where the heck is Alaska and how do we coordinate to Alaska time? J”

    However, please note it is not necessary to actually do your connecting and coordinating at exactly “real time,” wherever you are. You need only intend to be coordinated with us and that intent will allow you to “time jump” from wherever you are in real time to the timing of our event in real time.

    Every time I get involved in trying to explain this concept of time, I am reminded of a favorite saying of our Pleiadian brothers and sisters which says, “Linear time is a local Earth custom!”

    As in Phase 1, we shall be linking all of you who are helping us to the energy of whichever LOVE crystal you are closest to in physical location.

    At a date a bit closer to the actual Phase 2 download, I shall be sending through some instructions you may use individually or in groups to link yourself and/or your group to the energies of the entire grid system which will be formed by the total of 13 crystals. And I shall be sharing with you how to attune a master crystal in your own possession or as a group crystal to the energies of the 13 LOVE crystals. Then from such master crystals, other crystals may be charged as well.

    As we prepare for Phase 2, as with Phase 1, I ask that you pray, meditate and visualize the safe arrival of our ships and crews with the many Ascended Masters of Earth and Galactic origins who have pledged to be part of Phase 2. I ask that you see the LOVE crystals being successfully placed into their designated locations without interference of any sort. And, I ask that you see the Masters and etherians and the etherian lightships all being safely returned to our dimensions.

    I have asked Mari-el to copy into this message several prayers which were used during Phase 1 and which you may use during your meditations for Phase 2 as well. These are given below with full credit to the channel who originally received them, Beloved Natalie Glasson, channel for the Galactic Federation of Ascended Masters.


    ‘I invoke the protection of the loving Creator to surround me and the Galactic Federation of Ascended Masters as they prepare to visit the Earth. I have complete faith that they are always safe and protected and complete their mission with ease and security at all times, wrapped in the powerful love of the Creator’s soul. I ask that the six new Love Crystals , as well as the seven previously placed LOVE crystals, are surrounded in both Angels of Protection and intense light to ensure that they are able to express the energy of love across the entire planet. Let love anchor onto the Earth now, and let all acting with love in their hearts be guided by the candle of protection. Let it be.’

    ‘Galactic Federation of Ascended Masters, I accept myself as a beacon of the Creator’s light on the Earth and enroll myself as a supportive energy and a protective energy of your mission on behalf of the Earth. I send my love to you now to ensure your safety and the anchoring of love onto the Earth. Let us all exist as love.’

    ‘I believe that the Galactic Federation of Ascended Masters has now anchored the six new crystals of love into the Earth, returning home safely. Love now emanates across the Earth.’

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Beloved Brothers and Sisters, my friend Master So Ma and I thank you from the very depths of our hearts for your participation in this most significant mission of Light. Every successfully completed mission of Light brings all of us one step closer to the Heaven upon the Earth that is our goal, our dream and the overall mission of Light to Planet Earth to which we, as well as all of you, are avowed and committed, with every fiber of our beings and all the strength of our wills, in service to the Most Radiant One and to the Councils of Light of this Galaxy and the Multiverses!

    Yours in Service, Galactic LOVE and Deepest Gratitude,

    Commander Ashtar

    Ashtar - Anchoring the Crystal of Love
    Commander Lord Ashtar through Commander Mari-el Novios

    Hello Beloveds!
    It is Ashtar here!

    We are now just 2 days away from Phase 2 of the LOVE crystals download, which will be taking place on 11/22/08, coordinated to 12 noon Alaska time, which corresponds to 1 p.m. California time and 4 p.m. New York time.

    Please read my previous message as well as the other information sent with this message for a complete explanation and overview of this most important project.

    Major groups of Lightworkers around the planet will be working with the Ascended Masters of Earth and from the Galactic Realms to connect the 6 new crystals with the grid already formed by the 7 previously downloaded LOVE crystals. These groups who worked with us in Phase 1 already are aware of how to work with us to tie all these crystals into a gridwork.

    The purpose of this communication is to give some simple instructions to those of you who may be working singly or in small groups or who may not have participated in Phase 1 of this project. I wish to give you some guidance on how to connect into the gridwork being formed by the 13 LOVE crystals, as well as how to charge a crystal in your possession to serve as a Master crystal permanently charged with the energy of the LOVE crystal grid and from which you may charge other crystals.

    Firstly, please do participate energetically with us as we bring down these 6 new LOVE crystals at the time specified…..or by your intent to “time jump” to link with us from whatever time you are able to participate.

    If you wish to link and charge a Master crystal at this time as well, please have in your possession a rose quartz crystal or formation of a good size. When you are choosing a crystal or formation for this task, it is most likely that the proper piece will “choose itself” and make itself known to you! It is not absolutely necessary that rose quartz be used, but rose quartz, being the stone of LOVE, does seem to have the closest resonance to the LOVE crystals being downloaded.

    My suggestion is that you find a place to be in meditation for at least a half-hour. Intend to be shown one of the locations at which the crystals are to be brought down. Choose one of the 6 locations from the included information or ask that you simply be guided to whichever of the 6 locations at which your participation is most needed. Then, from your meditative state, observe what goes on at that location as we bring the crystals down and set them in place. While doing this, please help us by envisioning a shield of strong, clear, pure WHITE LIGHT around the ships, their crews and the entire process. In this way, you shall serve as an esteemed Honor Guard of Light for this very important project!

    The locations for the 11/22/08 LOVE crystal download shall be:

    Mt. Kailash, Tibet

    Border of India and Pakistan

    Rome, Italy

    Beijing, China

    Phnom Penh, Cambodia

    Mecca, Saudi Arabia

    Once you observe that the LOVE crystal has been successfully downloaded at the location where you have chosen to participate, then envision the gridwork being formed as the 6 new crystals are connected to the 7 previously implanted crystals.

    The locations of the 7 LOVE crystals downloaded on 10/06/08 are:

    Love crystal at Gulgotha/Garden of the Tomb, East Jerusalem, Israel

    Love crystal at Mooi River, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa

    Love crystal at Denali (Mt. McKinley), Alaska (crown chakra of Mother Earth)

    Love crystal at Uluru, Ayers Rock, Australia (a most sacred and special place)

    Love crystal at Mt. Fuji, Japan, another very sacred place

    Love crystal in the Ukraine, Russia

    Love crystal in Washington, D.C., nations’s capitol of U.S.A.

    Now hold the rose quartz which you intend to empower in your hands. Draw unto yourself the energy of the 13 LOVE crystals now successfully downloaded and linked together. You may use the following words:

    “I now open myself to be filled with the energy of the 13 LOVE crystals which have been downloaded to planet Earth. I open my heart to receive the LOVE. I become ONE with LOVE. I AM LOVE!”

    Now send the LOVE out from your heart chakra and out through your hands into the rose quartz you are holding and say the following words or something similar:

    “I empower and permanently charge this rose quartz with the LOVE and the mission of the 13 LOVE crystals. I INTEND that this stone be permanently linked into the working gridwork formed by the 13 LOVE crystals. I further INTEND that this rose quartz shall serve as a Master crystal from which others may be charged with the energy of the 13 LOVE crystals which have now been placed by the Ascended Masters of Earth and the Galactic Masters. And So It Is!

    IT IS DONE! (say 3 times)”

    Once you have created by INTENT this Master stone, keep it in a sacred place in your dwelling or your meeting place if it is to be used in a spiritual group. You may charge other stones, crystals, etc. from the Master LOVE stone simply by placing the crystal to be charged near the Master stone and intending that the charging take place.

    My Beloved and Esteemed Lightworkers of Planet Earth, I express to each and all of you my deepest gratitude and the gratitude of all who are participating in this project from the level of the Ascended Masters of Earth and the Galaxy!

    Together…..TOGETHER…..we are co-creating a new Heaven upon a new Earth!

    See you all on 11/22!

    Yours in Humility & Service,

    Cmdr. Ashtar

    Herebelow original message which was channeled through Natalie Glasson also taken off the net as link on her site for this is not available, her site is mentioned below. After reading this at the time and noticing that no task was forthcoming for the arrival of the Love Crystals it was decided that a task should be prepared and undertaken for this, and this was done at the time in two stages bringing a total download of 13 Love Crystals in 2008. On September 23rd, 2010 A further and final download of 59 Love Crystals will be placed on Mother Earth, thereby bringing this project to a total of 72 Love Crystals that will have been downloaded onto precious Mother Earth.

    Ashtar Sheran Channeled through Natalie Sian Glasson
    Tuesday September 2nd, 2008
    Taken from: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TheLightCircleEzine/message/3008

    I am Commander Ashtar and I come with my friend and companion Master So Ma. Together we bring the most sacred and most guarded information and wisdom to the Earth but, most importantly, the trusted Lightworkers of the Earth.

    During the accelerated period of growth that has recently begun on the Earth of aiding all in anchoring greater love and achieving a new aspect of mastery and Ascension, we the airborne Ascended Masters wish to assist in anchoring love onto the Earth. We will come to the Earth in our space craft as it is easier for us to access the physical levels and vibrations of the Earth due to our protected armor around the ship than it is for the Ascended Masters on the inner planes. The Ascended Masters of the inner planes are the key focus of this period of anchoring love into the Earth, their waves of Light, support, love and encouragement are constantly anchoring into the Earth but we wish to assist in the anchoring of the Ascended Masters energy into the physical planes of the Earth.

    On the six of October we, the Galactic Federation along with many devoted Ascended Masters, will travel in our space craft, entering into the aura of the Earth, orbiting within the sky. We have a special mission of anchoring and placing four large crystals which are predominantly known as Love Crystals into the Earth. They are semi physical, semi Light crystals of a pink color with aspects of golden energy merging throughout, akin to a marble effect. The crystals are double-terminated crystals meaning that they are long with a point at each end. Each crystal is roughly the length of a tall man's lower leg but are quite thick in width. These crystals and special energy forms have been charged with the love of the Ascended Masters, they are known as Love Crystals because they are only receptive to anchoring pure love and therefore only emanate pure love.

    Four crystals will be placed into the Earth's soil, near the surface at four different areas across the Earth. The places of penetration cannot be shared as we have to ensure that the greatest protection is placed around this project so that it flows smoothly and easily without hindrance and obstacles. The anchoring of these four crystals onto the Earth will make a significant change to the vibration of the Earth, allowing more people to become receptive to the love of the Ascended Masters and the Creator.

    The influence of the crystals will allow more people to become open to sharing the love of their souls with others and a greater desire to exist on the Earth as love in manifestation will burn brighter. You can see that it is of great importance that we actually get to place the crystals in the soil of the Earth and the grid network of the Earth. The love of the crystals will then melt and seep across the world until their energies meet, they will travel through soil, grid lines and ley lines both physically and spiritually anchoring greater love onto the Earth. Once their energy has coated the surface of the Earth with energy of love many people may feel the vibrations of love ascending through their feet chakras and into their realities.

    This is our main purpose and aim, also if we heal Mother Earth a fraction more we will assist in healing humanity as well. The crystals will then act as anchors for greater love to be integrated and poured into the Earth from the Ascended Masters and the Creator. This means that any waves of love channeled through the crystals into the Earth will have a greater affect on humanity as they will be converted into energy that is acceptable to those in physical bodies.

    We hope that you can understand the sacred work that we are completing and its great importance. Our visit is not one to gain attention from humanity nor is it to convert many to the powers of the Creator. We simply wish to enter into the aura of the Earth, achieve our mission and then step back or return to our homes on the inner planes to oversee the presence of the crystals from a far. I, Commander Ashtar and Master So Ma, have come today to deliver this special message because we wish to invite the support and assistance of the Lightworkers on the Earth. We wish for you to play your special part in this wonderful and glorious mission of anchoring love.

    First we ask that you share this message with those who you trust and sense will genuinely help our cause, conceal your wisdom from those who may wish to hinder or stop our mission. There are many on the Earth and on the inner planes that focus on darkness and wish to stop our sacred mission as it will bring too much power to the people and also awaken you further to the truth of the Creator. This is why we have placed heavy and strong protections around this message and the information. We ask that you guard it responsibly. Do not allow your ego to take control but allow your soul to hold this important responsibility.

    Our second task is that you meditate and visualize in the days leading up to October 6th 2008 the safe arrival of the Galactic Federation and the safe arrival of the crystals. Imagine, sense and affirm that we will complete our work and mission with ease and protection at all times and that the crystals will be protected once we have left the aura of the Earth. We ask that you support us by sending us your deepest love and Light, we will in return align you to the energy of your nearest Love Crystal so you receive a boost of love flowing into your being to raise your energy vibration. We in return will ensure your protection at all times.

    We ask that during meditation you use these prayers:

    “I invoke the protection of the loving Creator to surround me and the Galactic Federation of Ascended Masters as they prepare to visit the Earth. I have complete faith that they are always safe and protected and complete their mission with ease and security at all times, wrapped in the powerful love of the Creator's soul. I ask that the four Love Crystals are surrounded in both Angels of Protection and intense Light to ensure that they are able to express the energy of love across the entire planet. Let love anchor onto the Earth now, and let all acting with love in their hearts be guided by the candle of protection. Let it be.”

    “Galactic Federation of Ascended Masters, I accept myself as a beacon of the Creator's Light on the Earth and enroll myself as a supportive energy and a protective energy of your mission on behalf of the Earth. I send my love to you now to ensure your safety and the anchoring of love onto the Earth. Let us all exist as love.”

    “I believe that the Galactic Federation of Ascended Masters has now anchored the four crystals of love into the Earth, returning home safely. Love now emanates across the Earth.”

    Please use these prayers and affirmations; they are given from us with the greatest of honor and respect. We hope that you will assist our mission as we work on behalf of the Creator and humanity with the mission of uniting all with the sacred and glorious energy of the Creator while still on the Earth.

    Commander Ashtar and Master So Ma. The Family and Team of the Galactic Federation of Ascended Masters.
    May you walk in the love and light always, Natalie.

    taken off from this site http://www.luisprada.com/Protected/new_beginnings.htm

    Natalie's site http://www.wisdomofthelight.com/Weekly-Messages.html

    EQUINOX TIMES, SEPTEMBER 23rd NZ 3.09pm AUST EST 1.09pm GMT 3.09am
    This is when the Light and Dark are equal in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres, and equal Light and Dark in the day. The energies are unified, Heaven and Earth, Spirit and Matter merge. This energy is a powerful gateway for the transformation of humanity, and the opening of the Solar Self. Remembering the Sun is not masculine or feminine but unified energy from Source, the Moon reflects the Solar Rays and illuminates us at night, notice how Golden the Moon is now days, and bright. In the Mayan and many Sun cultures the Sun is greeted at the Equinox at sunrise as we open our hearts to our Solar Self, the Sun within us, as we honour the Divine Creator, Infinite Spirit and the interconnectedness of all. Where our peace within is merged through the Earth in harmony for all Beings, as the Heavens are in balance with us at this time.
    Taken from http://www.evenstarcreations.com/index.php?option=com_content&v...
    • Hi guys as i cannot poste the full info here that i had put aside regarding the Love Crystals, am just giving very short excerpts of most precious Lord Kuthumi through his channel Chanel Lingenfelder, the rest of the info can be seen on the site links mentioned below. Hope you guys will consider participating. Embracing all in Pure White Source Light, Fredaricka


      Ascended Master Kuthumi

      Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder
      Durban 11 October 2008.

      “The Heart Flame of Salvation”

      The Heart Chakra Rewire – Part 4 of 13.

      During this session Lord Kuthumi shared some information on the Love Crystals as well as some physical pointers that will assist our energy shifts.

      Beloved ones are there any questions that we may assist with this afternoon?

      Q: Yes please Master Kuthumi; we received information regarding the Galactic federation coming to the earth planting the love crystals into the planet

      Mk: That’s correct

      Q: We would like to know what the actual function of the crystals is, how do they assist humanity, and the earth, and what exactly are they about?

      Mk: Beloved brother the functions of these crystals are very much to bring into alignment that which I have discussed with you this afternoon over the past 2 hours or so and with that bringing humanity into a space and time of understanding that the way they have lived their lives up until this point HAS to shift and with that move forward. The planting of the love crystals was done in order to help shift these love vibrations contained within the higher and lower centers, which is achieved by bringing balance between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of man. As you know all of life vibrates on the balance of the masculine/feminine process therefore we have imprinted these two energies and that of manifestation within the energetic structure of these crystals which makes the one half of these crystals tangible and the other etheric in this way it serves to completely bring this balance through into everything upon this planet. These crystals are EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY powerful love transmitters, they are programmed with the energy of all of the 144 000 Ascended Masters that are actively part of the earth ascension process thus the evolvement of the planet. Their love energy that is being programmed into these crystals will in time create a generating effect connecting to every single crystal upon this planet irregardless of its type, which then will also serve as transformers creating energetic links sending impulses of love so to speak through the ethers, through the earth electrics, as well as through the energetic energy of the earths inner plates, and with all that also connect the matrixes of every grid formation that exists in and around the planet. So in other words although only a few, they have the power to change the concept of love upon the planet for love is the ONLY energy that has no opposites therefore nothing, no thing exists that can overthrow it or erase it. Unconditional love forms the basis of their formation within their energy matrix therefore anything of a lesser vibration has no power against them. These crystals are placed very strategically around the planet creating amongst them a further grid energy which from its formation creates impulses that travels not only into and around the earth but also away from the earth like a reflection lessening external negativity for a lot of this negativity that threatens the planet floats around it did you know this?

      A: No

      Mk: It’s called satellites, how do you think your dark brothers or as you call them your illuminate brothers knows your every move?

      So these crystalline energies are also there to start changing shall we say the ‘horror frequencies’ being emitted by some of the works of these manmade view cams which circulates your planet, that observes you and truth be told video’s your every move. These crystals also serve as neutralizers for negative geopathic energy, as well as negative nuclear energy. These crystals serve to connect each and every heart upon your planet on every level and because all of the hearts within your world shares the same divine connection carried in the God-Spark within, these crystals will deliver to each awakening soul the truth of their divinity, be it the ones that stays behind, be it the ones that leaves it matters not. They serve as connectors waking up the hearts of humanity to the truth and the reality of the unfolding events, as they also serve as love-catalysts peeling away that which prevents many from seeing the truth of life. So their functions are extremely diverse and intense as they connect a very large platform of service but over and above all of this their function is to activate an awakening within each person of the reality that you are not alone, and by saying that they bring forth a further realization amongst humanity via the grids of human consciousness for you to grasp the truth that you play a minute part in an even smaller universe when it comes to over-all-creation within the Omniverse, thus for you to realize that you have many space, star or extra-planetary brothers and sisters from various parts of this and other universes and with that become comfortable with the knowing that they will come closer in time to come.

      The other aspect that these love crystals serve from, is to eliminate a lot of the fear that may result because of this contact. They also serve as neutralizers of the anger and war archetypes, and in so doing bring an awareness amongst humanity that at the end of the day the only thing that is truthfully very important is for you to claim and be your own authentic self. With that I am sharing as much as I am able to share at this point, although there is more. Does this answer your question?
      A: Thank you
      MK: Blessings be with you.


      No more questions.

      Beloved ones, understand that the times we come to share with you as we are now doing carries only ONE intent and that is to bring an awakening of the love within you. It is to share with you the importance of loving the self and with that love all others. It is to share with you the importance of nurturing the self, it is to share with you the importance of letting go of the past, and that the time has come for you to now finally outgrow your lower emotions and in so doing rather trust the feelings within.

      The world ahead of you is filled with such harmony, balance and joy it’s quite unimaginable to you. So understand that by giving you these messages not only from me through this or other channels or vessels or entities, but also messages from many others that infiltrates your world, that each of you are being visited within your dream state, are being taken to higher planes for learning and training. So acknowledge with the brake of each new day comes new growth and at times this growth may be a little painful or create discomfort, it may even involve disappointment or sadness, but know inside of yourselves through the power that is contained within the highest aspect of the self within the sacred heart that you will always be guided and guarded for you to do and be where you are suppose to be therefore we urge you to finally let go of the blame and judgment and all of the lower energies and with that embrace only that which is good, kind, loving and compassionate, filled with care and in so doing hold your hands on your hearts and be the humanitarians that you have come to be. Tap into the transition within this (heart) transition centre or the Anaharta. Claim your authentic signature from here, your high heart.

      When you take your fist and close it and you place it on your heart it fits over the lower heart, yet when you open it for all to see it can only fit on the plateau above your promised land which is your sacred or high heart.

      I am Kuthumi, I am the Cohan of the Golden Ray of love and wisdom and I greet and bless thee in love, Adonai.


      (part of the below channel)

      Ascended Master Kuthumi

      Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder
      Durban – South Africa.

      “The Golden 12-Flame Crown Activation”
      Part 7 of 13.

      In conjunction with the 4th KZN 12 Pointed Kuthumi Grid as part of the Global 144 Crystalline Grid Project and downloading of The most recent Love crystals

      K. It is with great joy and great pleasure within our hearts that we gather with you upon this day, as we hold each of you here firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God. Beloved ones, beloved brothers and sisters of this beautiful planet, Lady Gaia, before we begin the message or the transmission for this morning, I would like to, as Kuthumi, extend our sincere gratitude to each and every one of you present here this day. On behalf of the Galactic Federation of Light, on behalf of the 144 000 Ascended Masters that have given their energy to be a part of this amazing global project, we would like to give you our sincere gratitude and love.

      Beloved ones, beloved masters in the making, each and every one of you have been given some information to share with us in creating this grid this day. You have in front of you some writings, and this day we are going to do things a little differently. Why? Because I can! (laughter)

      Beloved ones, every being aware of the events of this day, you present here and those from a distance all are part of this energy that is being created today, especially when it comes to the anchoring and seeding of another six love crystals onto your plane. We wish for you now to share out loud the location you represent; just the name; we do not wish to hear an entire choir (couple of people share one star point); we want to hear the location only. For example, Ukraine, and then I want each and every one of you here to for a moment to bring your attention to that which is called out, called which is the Ukraine.

      Kuthumi asked everyone present to represent an aspect of this grid relating it to the Love Crystals download, unfortunately some the replies were inaudible

      Energy Activation & Initiation of the 10th chakra

      Ascended Master Kuthumi

      Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder
      Durban 14 February 2009

      Below is part of a transcript that had part of the material of this channel lost due to technical reasons. This is through Chanel Lingenfelder.

      Kuthumi was in top form (as always when there is a larger audience that wants to hear him) he shared about the love crystals, much which surely will be repeated, the interesting fact of how these crystals feed the greater area through the earth’s electrical currents, the ley lines and feeds power into the sacred sites of the world which then inturn feeds unconditional love into our cell memory, especially those that personally draws power from these sites either visiting these sites in person or connecting distantly. He also shared much on these sites and their ‘invisible’ powers and the role they play behind the scenes of evolution, also mentioned that many, many sites are undiscovered and shall remain so, some indefinitely as some are inaccessible by man, some sites has never “experienced” any human energy as these serve as the Devic (nature) sacred sites, all connected to the love crystals some way or another.

      He also shared that there will be a further download of love crystals of which the information will be shared by the relevant channels etc.

      Beloved beings of the light, are you excited?
      A; Yes!

      Mk: And so you should be for each and everyone of you have a connection to the love crystals, each and everyone of you connect via your DNA to the energy of the crystalline grids, you connect because of your internal crystalline connection as we have shared with you during the last transmission which is: the earth’s DNA and your DNA melds as one and through that you are able to embrace a whole new formation of Light, thus light particles you are now able to integrate into your bodies aided by the integration of the photon energy. You already know about the Adamantine Particles that supports all of life and aids your connection to your light body, you understand the concept of your Merkaba Light Body and your personal connection to this all important energy, actively, thus therefore accept yet another gift which is the awakening within your reality of your close link to each and every one of the love crystals. Can you imagine for a mere moment how wonderful it is that each of you here, and many, many more to the likes of you, have heard of, was, and is part of the activation process of the love crystals, which was engineered through the Ashtar Command with many of us present upon the ships that brought this to life, can you imagine the impact with millions of you around the world focusing on specific areas at the right time, can you imagine the love?

      There will be a further download of love crystals which will be shared through the appropriate channels closer to the time but for now it is very important for you to every now and again, glance at these words therefore our suggestion to have the list printed making it visual, thus stick it up where you can see it and every now and again, send some love to these energies, connect with their locations. You are receiving love from these crystals thus do transmit your love towards these energies, in support of them. These crystals are not destroyable but the more love you consciously impart on these locations, the more powerfully with greater ease are these energies able to act out their mission of love, transforming with love the areas where they are placed, and not simply their immediate areas, but the areas feeding off this energy, along the important ley lines into active and specific directions. The reason why at this time these crystals are concentrated in specific areas is? Who can share, who’s the brightest button in this bunch (laughter)?

      MK: To facilitate a most appropriate shift within the collective unconscious realms.

      So look at these areas and with that the reasons for their being will come to mind supporting your understanding of why they are placed where they are placed, to help shift limiting density

      A: Thank you, Adonai.
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