Hi all
May the abundant blessings of the Creator shower onto andinto your being now, bringing forth the greatest existence of joy,happiness andbliss. My dear friends it is not only your privilege to be happy on theEarthbut it is your truth and the natural existence of your being. Happinessis anemotion of love and love is the truth of the Creator’s soul. At the highvibrations of the Creator universe it is only the vibration of love thatis inexistence, this is because every essence, consciousness or focus withintheCreator’s soul is of love and so this emanates limitlessly into theuniverse. Itis important to realise that it is your divine right to align with theCreator’ssoul and to receive sacred energy and illumination. It is also yoursacred rightto become one with the Creator and embody the soul of the Creator on theEarthand the many levels of the inner planes. With the realisation of yourdivineright you are able to take action and focus your existence on acceptingthesesacred blessings, which you naturally are anyway. Due to the fact thateverysoul on the Earth is an aspect of the Creator when they align to theCreatorthis creates feelings of comfort, joy and happiness as the soul isreunited withand reminded of its truth. In fact, happiness and a sense of relief orsafetymanifests because the illusions, fears and limitations of the Earth arestrippedaway at that point of reconnection with the Creator which brings animmenseliberation.
When we enter onto the Earth as souls we descend into alow vibrating energy which feels abstract and somewhat uncomfortableafter thehigh vibrations of the inner planes. Whereas on the inner planeseverythingmanifests with precise speed and vitality, the slow vibrations of theEarthallow for a feeling of heaviness and restriction. For many it can feelas if thesoul is being caged and trapped. The slow vibration of the Earth meansthat weexperience all emotions, thoughts, actions and reactions at a slowerrate, it isas if they hang in the air for you to view and examine before letting gooraccepting. The process of growth is slowed down and all experiences areintensified for greater development and further exploration of theCreator’senergy. When we are aware that everything we experience is at a slowrate, istherefore weighty and can sit heavily on our shoulders then we have arealisation that allows us to break through the illusions that theslowervibrations create to connect with the high vibrations which bestow agreaterappreciation of the truth of the Creator.
When we allow our mind especially to be drawn into orembedded in the slow vibrations we truly feel the reality of fear,limitationsand hopelessness. This can be overwhelming creating the awareness thatno otherreality is true other than the reality of fear. It is this reality thatcausesso much emotional, mental and even physical pain, allowing an experienceof thenumerous manifestations of fear. It is important to realise that fear isamanifestation of the Creator’s energy, but it isn’t a manifestation fromtheCreator, rather a projection from our own energies within us when we areoffbalance or disconnected from the truth and love of the Creator.
As I stated previously the soul can feel trapped or cagedwithin the slower vibrating levels and this manifests numerous fearswithin themind and being as it no longer feels supported by the energy of theCreator andcan feel separated from everything else. If we were to rise up tocompletelyembody the higher vibrations of the Creator’s light then all fears wouldsimplyflow away and we would see their lack of importance, but because we areconstantly in existence within the slower vibrations even when wereconnect withthe Creator we can still feel or recognise the fears rising from withinus. Itis almost as if there is a lack of trust in the Creator’s support andthis isevident because of the continued manifestations of fears. When we placeourcomplete and absolute trust in the soul of the Creator then fear has noplacewithin our beings as we are cradled in love entirely. Love becomes ouronlyreality and truth prevails.
With the understanding that fears are magnified due to theslower vibration of the Earth and that all fear or negative situationsstartwithin us and are projected into our reality, we can then begin work ondissolving and removing fears to exist as love. The slower vibrationmeans thatwe will experience fears more fully but we must be aware that thisdoesn’t makethem real; they are still delusional projections from within your being.Whenyou begin to learn what is the truth and what is false within yourreality thenyou will gain a greater perspective of clarity and balance. This doesn’tmeanthat we can pull away from our reality and responsibilities but simplysignifiesthat we do not have to allow fears to affect us as fully and can avertourconcentration to the truth and our alignment with the Creator.
These are realisations that most light beings on the Earthwill accept at a certain stage of their growth or already realise, butto placethe perceptive into your reality and examine when you are being graspedordeluded by fears brings forth a great illumination to all aspects ofyour being,allowing for a greater connection with the mighty soul of theCreator.
In many ways we can state that all fears are false becausethe only truth is love; the love that pours from the Creator’s soul andexistswithin your being in abundance. To experience and truly embody thislovesimply requires a shift in perspective from fear to love, allowingyourself toremain focused on love at all times but not forgetting the valuablelessons thatcan manifest from fear. Many people believe that fear is needed on theEarth andthat one cannot live without fear but when fear is released the soulbecomesprominent and guides you accordingly creating perfection and puritywithin yourreality. When we cling to fear we are holding on to the greatest fear ofall,fear of connecting with the Creator’s soul and of being loved completelyandabsolutely. It is every soul’s divine right to be loved; it is now timeto allowthis divine right to come into fruition through your acceptance of theCreatorand understanding of fear.
The love of the Creator encapsulates you now,
I am Lord Buddha, Planetary Logos
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