♥I perceive this Love; I AM this Love.
♥I attract Love and I express Love.
♥I uplift others as I allow Love to uplift me.
♥Only Love and Goodness are attracted to me.
♥I joyously listen to Love's guidance.
♥Every decision I make is made in the Light of Love.
♥I radiate an atmosphere of Love.
♥Love is my strength.
♥I not only KNOW, but I FEEL that Life is Love.
♥The healing power of Love manifests Itself in my Life now.
♥My Love-image radiates the pure Love now.
♥I create my day in Love.
♥My armor of Love shields me.
♥Everything in this day reflects the attitude of Love.
♥I not only give Love, I also accept Love from all.
I feel that Love IS and that I am Love; I accept this, I understand this and I give thanks for this. I believe this here and now. I feel the "thing Itself"; I AM "the thing Itself". My mind and Heart are open and Love speaks to me; I hear It. My Heart is open, my arms outstretched in welcome, my hands open and filled as I now receive the presence of this Love. I have opened the door and let Love into my Life. I now know the healing force of Love. Love is REAL to me. In this Presence of Love, I am transformed and reborn. I am comforted by Love. I am grateful for it. Love now transforms me and my whole Life. Love helps me and prepares my way.
And so it is.
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