Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Opening of the Portal Report

We have opened the Portal! For the first time in human history, the energy of divine grace has entered the surface of the planet directly from the Galactic Central Sun.

This has drastic and long lasting consequences on the etheric and astral grid around our planet. All etheric and astral matrix, all Archons and reptilians and their technologies have been squeezed into a very thin layer which extends around 100 feet ( 30 meters ) upwards and downwards from the surface profile of the planet. All areas further up and further down from the surface profile have been completely cleared and liberated. This is a huge victory of the Light and one of the main necessary steps needed before the final victory and the Event.

You might being to feel that there are less attacks and less influence from the negative non-physical entities.

The activation of the ALMA vortex has insured that humanity will finally begin to connect with its Soul.

Posted by Cobra at 10:44 AM

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  • Now to get rid of the little pee-on ankle biter/archon wannabe's 100 feet +/- our surface.  Keep in mind, these little turds try to ignite lower emotions among us.  They try to cause discord between families/friends/etc.  Awareness is the first step.  If you notice yourself or someone close getting really pissed off or having major mood swings... it's quite possible they have an ankle biter stuck to their pant leg.  Shake it off!  They are NOTHING!  :D

  • very good news indeed, i'm sure it won't go unnoticed....

  • We still have 200 feet of our planet that needs clearing...may it be done quickly!  Peace to all!

  • Clearly, there has been a significant shift in energy.

    And consciousness.

    Go the good guys.

  • Eternal gratitude to all that help in liberation of our planet!

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