
One thing is for sure and that is that I AM happy that this month of May has ended! It has been the wildest ride ever for me and I am sure I am not the only one who feels that way.

The Month of May has been an intense clearing, as well as an activation where the Christed Self is being given the opportunity to descend into our being and our heart, a process that is now still taking place as we speak. This was all thanks to the portals and eclipses that have taken place in this 1 month of our linear time.

As hard as it was for me personally, I am very thankful for it, for it has given me a huge push to continue with my path that my heart has chosen to follow. I have made decisions and choices that might have affected some in my entourage and this has triggered a lot, not only in my life but in theirs as well.

And this is exactly what the hard part was for me, because being sensitive to what other people think of me, I have been tested, triggered and turned upside down in my thoughts and life with exactly those kinds of mirrors. Isn’t this process, this teaching wonderful?! At first it was very hard for me, I must admit.. but now it is so obvious as to how it was mirrored to me and why.

I have decided to end my relationship, which was a wonderful one on the vibration of 3D, but since I am transcending this and growing more into Self on a higher level, the relationship simply does not work and does not resonate anymore.

As hard as it still is, my heart feeling was very clear about this and I do not have regrets for ending it. The only thing that made it hard is the fact that I have 3 small children and that everything is being thrown at me; I am accused of being a bad person and a horrible mother by making this decision.

The hurt and the feeling of desperation that is felt by my ex partner is formed into a kind of negativity that is constantly being send to me, that was a hard lesson for me to learn to stay in balance no matter what would happen.

Well, this was hard indeed and it still is! Every single day I have to work and ground myself to not engage into the fights and anger of my ex. Even though this works most of the times, I am being tested constantly as long as my feelings of guilt are present, because this is what it was all about: me feeling guilty of ending this and seeing hurt around me.

I realized that I am not responsible for another one’s opinion or manner of coping with things, so this helped me to move on and just worked my ass through this. On a daily basis I am still being reminded and mirrored by people who are not awaken, that I do not need to worry about what others may think of me and judge me, because for as long as I will do this: I will get this.

The last days of May have triggered a lot due to the last eclipse and flyby of the huge Asteroid and those were the hardest days to say the least!

My ego suddenly made great attempts to influence me and just made me doubt about my chosen path and my decisions, trying to persuade me that I needed to stay in this relationship because my kids and I have all we need here to live comfortably. Meaning; all that is material and of a 3D vibration is the easiest to stay with and opt for, because it is something I have been holding onto for a very long time. The ego was attempting to show me it would be far easier to just continue with my old way of living because then I would not be confronted with judgement and anger, hurt and disappointment..

If I would not be so grounded as I am now, I would definitely be seduced by this way of thinking and I would have taken this for real. You see how easy it is to be misguided by the ego and take this for real???

My reason for sharing this rather personal incident in my life is to hopefully reach other dear hearts having the same issues and comforting them by letting them know that they are absolutely not alone in this.

As a matter of fact, a lot of you are going through this right now and it is called the reformation of your self, the integration of Self and the rebirth into Self. From now on we only attract those dear hearts in our lives that are of the same resonance as we are, so we can form groups and get in touch with our real soul family.

We are now all establishing the foundation of our realities and whoever fits in this will be part of this and the ones who aren’t fitting in this anymore, will make place for others and establish their own foundation with others in order to be able and experience their own created reality with hearts of the same resonance.

This is why this is all happening and it is not a separation but rather a reformation, where soul families come together again, just as it was supposed to happen by choice, establishing their own foundation and reality.

Well, as we all are now going through this process it can be a really hard one at times, so it is important to remind yourself what your heart desire is and not what pertains to the mind and the ego thoughts.

The heart is the new leading center of Self and this is what is bringing you into your new reality which is the 5th Dimension. This is the new way of living and it is all forming the new you and the new world.

The heart leading our lives and , is the 5th dimensional way of living and this is new to us, even though we come from that dimension or even higher ones for some. So yes, at times this will be challenging as we are leaving this duality and this way of living behind us, and are starting to live a whole other way of being.

We are learning from this and doing this all, right now! The energies are making us do that because we have opted for this, we are here for this and if we want to grow along with beloved Gaia it is about going with Her or not, for we are all connected to Her in essence.

So if you have chosen to grow along with Her and make this new empire of Light a fact, than the toughest energies and challenges can be thrown at you at times, and we need to see this as a blessing, for it helps us to understand more and grow into an even higher Light being.

Once these challenges are overcome and understood, all will become so much easier down your path, as all becomes more bliss and Love. First we need to understand the concepts of a 3D world and see through this in order to understand what awaits us in the “future”, to then ultimately throw all of this stuff away and release it.

The ego minded hearts will have even more challenges to deal with, because they cannot cope with it anymore, due to Mother Earth evolving into this pure Lightbeing that She is. So their challenges will be over the top for them, forcing them into this new state of awareness that can help them awaken. Whatever the outcome will be, it is everyone’s own choice and personal experience but it is very important to choose now as Earth is accelerating very fast at Lightspeed as it were.

The last couple of days in June, I have been told so much good news about a shift that has taken place 2 days ago(saturday), reaching critical mass of Love and for Earth that has shifted through an important portal on an etheric level already.

This is so wonderful and I absolutely felt it and so did a lot of others at present. It is so tangible at this time, and I feel myself engulfed in so much Love these past few days, while other non awakened friends in my life have so many hard issues at this time and are lingering in a constant state of anger and frustration.

I feel even more connected to Earth and all that is part of Her beautiful kingdom and Her nature. I even start to see my own aura as this beautiful violet blue color; which is my essence being as a Lady Master of the violet Ray.

I was looking at my hands and arms, while holding them in the air and I saw this violet blue energy ( a few inches) around my arm and around every single finger ,and as I was moving my hand this still was tangible and visible as I was moving along.. this was so clear to me that it was my aura.

My team always told me it was violet blue, being Lady Portia, but to see it with my own eyes was just fantastic!! At the same time I saw a lot of energies being attracted to my hand and my body as if I was swallowing them so to speak, but at the same time also releasing a lot of energy.

Inner flashes of Light have been a part of my nights as well; time travels and dreams are very often the case lately, but also the remembering that there was something important going on in the dreamstate and remembering the feelings around it but not remembering what it was exactly …

I often sleep very deep lately and I only remember me taking off, and then this huge black hole comes in, leaving me with no remembrance at all, only the feeling about it and the knowing something big happened. On those times I can only rely on what my team is telling me the day after and on the heart feeling I have.

Well, a lot is happening right now for sure and even though we might not always “see” it, it is felt within and this is how you know! I am surely looking forward to our next creations this month and the month of July because I get the feeling (and am told as well) that a lot is coming forth right now, if we are willing to cope with it and if we do this ourselves.

We are certainly in the right time frame and the appropriate speed of energy for this, so we might as well make the best of it, now! Please do! I wish you all a most wonderful time and give my most loving blessings to each and everyone of you!

Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

Source:http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com/ and http://lafontmeline.wordpress.com/

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