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You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments!
Thanks Warrior, I appreciate that ~ I'll check out the book you recommended :)
I don't look at people as Sheep, because they aren't Warrior. People are powerful beings with great potential.
I wasn't trying to single you out, I was just stating what I thought should be said...
You have a good evening :-)
Warrior: You see darkness in it, I see enlightenment. Symbology doesn't belong to just one group, they are imbedded in our entire existence and "consciousness". How does something that ends with a message of "World Peace" come off as something dark to you?
I would say that, there are more GOOD forces working for the enlightenment of mankind than we can currently fathom. There is no "dark" energy that is trying to make their "last stand". We are already winning, and have been for a long time. Progression + Evolution is what is also changing the consciousness of humans on this planet.
Where there are "high vibrations" people get confused and interject darkness where there is none.
Why not try to see the GOOD in things, instead of thinking there is some dark conspiracy out there?
So true WOL.
Very wise words - thank you.
I have always loved Madonna , but I have noticed the past years that she has selled her soul to be able to stay as an superartist.
She is now a puppet to the dark forces.
Follow what thw zionistmasters say and you can stay on top.
Well, we agreed at one point that illuminati symbolism is not necessarily bad; it can have a positive or negative meaning, depending on how it is used. So, if you believe in or are afraid of "satan" you have to have a religious foundation. Otherwise, it wouldn't make sense, right?
The concept of satan as we know it, comes from the teaching of our religious leader. Just like a lot of other BS designed to control us. Contrary to popular belief, I don not worship the devil (I know, sorry to disappoint you Andy). I just don't worship anything, period. Evil exist in the form of men, doing evil acts, trying to control, judge and tell people what is right and what is wrong by inducing fear. Yeah, kinda like when someone feel superior to you, and tells you who to love, who to have sex with, how to do it, and so on...
It is so surprising that a community of spiritual people is so afraid of the physical/3d realm. One would think that in order to be here, you must have done spiritual work, and have evolved past the fear of death...
Also, if you are here, while not necessarily you might think of yourself as a "new age" person, you might be into meditation, or other spiritual practices. Well, that is funny, because that is definition of a satanist. Yeah really, look it up.
And as far as Kabbalah goes, it's a wonderful thing. Lots of good teachings that I only wish more people, especially the ones throwing stones here, would study.
Judaism, has nothing to do with Kabbalah. Judaism claims Kabbalah as part of it, but it really isn't so. Kabbalah comes before Judaism, or religion at all. Again, look it up.
If you are spending so much time looking for "evil symbolism and brainwashing" in pretty much anything that doesn't reflect your personal believes, I feel sorry for you. That time would be better spent doing something good for the world.
I am ever so disappointed to find so much fear based BS on this website. I truly think that a lot of people here believe that ascension is the same as the rapture, when white Jesus comes to take all nice white straight hell fearing people with him to white heaven.
And the hypocrite award today goes to......April Nite! Congratulations, you sweet judgmental, misinformed, fear mongering angry lady! You really outdid yourself today! And don't forget to ..."Bless the Nite"! ;)
LoL, Honestly Enrico, I'm not the one talking about things like Initiations on here, and how someone is better than someone else just because they had there Initiations already. I really think that is rather judgmental to be saying that another member is above someone else, because they have there Initiations, and that person didn't have to have one. I mean seriously this topic is bascialy pointing out the fact that Madonna has put out the symbols of Masonic Rituals in the 3D, and how the media is doing things like this, and you guys on here always show up with your true colors showing, when something like this happens
You know how to show people where you stand in on things, when something like this shows up in the Media attention of things
Don't get me started either on Jancar, because you won't like what you will hear on the matter, because the biggest Hypocrite that wants to stop these things in the 3D world, is joined up with a mass of them around him on this site here, because he says they are good people. Hmmmmm.
Really Enrico don't get me going again on the whole Jancar thing, because I would have a list of for you, as to why. I just got done telling Mariannia as well on here about the whole Jancar thing, so don't make me say the samethings to you on him.
Bless the Nite,
ok ok ok ok ok ok I will not get you started! gotta go and drink a new born blood now!
Thanks for LoLing ;)
I think people read too much into this stuff. It's a weak comparison, very weak comparison. I mean it doesn't even look like Baphomet lol I didn't see any Illuminati symbolism at all!
And Madonna is a good person, that's clear. I mean she's an artist...this is what artists do, they dress up, and put on shows. It's art, it's creativity, it's entertainment....I personally thought it was very good, especially the world peace message at the end. Why do people see NWO everywhere lol I mean I can be mowing my lawn, and people will find a way to connect it to the NWO.
Jancar, Get over yourself on here, seriously you have done something with this group of people that you feel a lovely connection with them. I mean I have never seen anyone quit like you on here that goes around with your eyes closed singing lalalalala to these things, because some people on the Internet has accepted you into there group.
You are one blind man Jancar, and you are never going to learn these things, because you are clearly with them, or you aren't or you are playing stupid and being a sly fox like you are in the process of, but dammit look at the youtube video of Madonna and see it for yourself
If you don't like what you see, then by all means keep those eyes closed of yours, and when the next popular contest comes around town again, to see which postings make the top five on here, be sure to know you will be inline to get everyone united, and have thinking to stop using there brains in all of this
Why do you even bother Jancar, with wanting to stop things like the NWO and wanting to stop what is coming in with it, if you think these ppl on here are loving characters that wouldn't hurt a soul if you were laying out there on the streets
I mean you are sad to think that your family wouldn't help you out in something like that, but to think that online ppl like this would help you over your family, you seriously calebv have issues going on in that mind of yours
Bless the Nite,